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If there was anything that ever calmed me,it was rain. I swear if I wasn't watching it pour in abundance and at the same time,fighting off the strong winds that made the large trees bend as if they were showing some kind of submission to the roof,I would be long mad by now.

I sighed as I got up,I couldn't spend the whole day thinking about this. I needed to do something with my hands. I walked into Liam's room and took his earphones and connected them to my phone. My brain scattered as I played paradise by Bazzi. There was nothing to do except cleaning since we had washed the dishes last night.

If I had known I would be leaving, I would've brought my books along with me. Liam didn't have a single book and I was getting really bored so I sat on the couch with my notebook and started writing down my thoughts, my excitement about tomorrow to be precise.

I checked the time,it was just after twelve.
It had been exactly seven hours since Liam left to wherever only he knew. He didn't say but I knew wherever he was,he was preparing himself for tomorrow. Me?My supposed father,Conard would be here later this afternoon to prepare me for the big role I apparently had to play in tomorrow's fight. Although I knew it not,I hoped it was to kill Victor myself. That wasn't even negotiable. He was my kill.I wanted Victor to die,I wanted to look him in the eye as he writhed in pain during his last seconds in this life. I wanted his family to watch as I set him on fire. I wanted to take away everything from them.I didn't need Conard's help,I got this.

I couldn't turn on the TV because I knew all they would be talking about was the killings. I knew it would fuel me up and then I would need to let out my anger on something,I couldn't allow myself to do that,I needed to save all that energy for tomorrow.

Maybe I should make myself something to eat,I thought and then walked to the kitchen.

I took out the beef to defrost. I would make dumplings and beef stew for dinner tonight.

As I turned on the kettle,I couldn't help but think Victor was somewhere outside this house,watching me as I did everything but I was comforted by Liam's words that in order for him to enter,he had to be invited first and that he couldn't stand his scent so he wouldn't come in,no matter what. Nonetheless, I rushed to lock all doors and made sure all the windows were closed before coming back to the kitchen to make myself scrambled eggs.

I smiled as the smell of eggs triggered a memory of me making Daniel breakfast. It was really annoying how everything reminded me of him these days. Food barely settled in my stomach wild with butterflies as I thought about the first time I slept next to him. The way his arms were securely wrapped around me. I threw my plate into the sink when my appetite vanished and I decided to take a bath but of course, these thoughts followed me to the bathroom.

The way his eyes randomly hungrily raked down my body. I had missed the sound of his genuine laughter. The way his face would be devoid of emotion but I always knew where to find the answers because his eyes never lied.God,I missed everything about that man. I missed his lips,even though I had only felt them on mine for just the shortest period of time.I missed him threatening to kill me but I knew he never would and now I wanted to kill him.

I hugged my knees close to my chest and thought about all the times he protected me from his uncle. He cared about me and I also cared about him,just not as much as I cared about my family and the safety of all humans.

It felt like my heart was in a cage made of thorns and each time it tried to free itself,it bled. Why did I have to live like this? Did I not deserve to be happy. All my life,I had been fighting to get justice for my parents and nothing else. I had never felt what happiness felt like since their death until he came along. It wouldn't be easy but that was just the story of my life,wasn't it?

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