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I won't lie,I was slightly scared as his cold eyes regarded me. That little seed of fear didn't last long though,it dried out quite rapidly when I reminded myself that he wouldn't tell on me.

"I asked you a question,Jessica,what the hell are you doing in here?"Ian's nose flared.

"I do not see how that's any of your business, Ian. This isn't your room."

My insides cheered when I replied in a bold voice.

"It is my business because you're putting my job at risk,"he raged. I swear,if looks could kill,I'd be long dead by now. Well,considering his gift,he wouldn't have much trouble.

"Oh cut the crap,already,Ian. Why do you always make it about your job?we both know you're here for something else,"

"What are you talking about?"

Wow,he was going to play clueless? Fine.

"It's funny how Victor Adobe thinks of himself as the king and fate decider for us when he can't even see what's going on right under his nose. Tell me,Ian,it's been years,how have you managed?,"I laughed mockingly.

"Whatever you think you know,I wouldn't mention it in front of Victor if I were you. You sound ridiculous."

"Oh,Ian. I may not be good in maths and not necessarily a straight A's kid but I'm not dumb,I know about your stupid gift,I figured it out and I know you wouldn't be here if Victor knew."

Ian just stared at me with his eyes masked with both fear and regret.

"You're looking pitiful,you should've thought twice before flaunting it,you are-"

"Yes,"he cut me off.

"Jeez,Jessica,I know you know,you don't have to say it out loud."

"If you had just admitted from the beginning,would've saved us a lot of time."

I watched as he furiously sighed and sheltered his head in his hands. He had better not mess with me again,I wasn't very amiable to people who stood in my way.

"Okay,sure but you can't prove it"

God,what more did I have to do?

"Maybe. To be honest,it wouldn't be easy since you've presented yourself as a very loyal and obedient servant,"I stopped and looked at him thoughtfully.

"But you know,I could find a way to plant a little seed of doubt in his head."

"How do you plan to do that?"

"I haven't figured that out yet but as soon as I do,Victor will become more observant. You know,I knew you were too bright for this position,I could see it in your eyes that there's more to you at first sight and I'm sure if Victor pays careful attention,he shall see the fire burning inside you."

A second of silence passed and just as I began to think I had finally gotten through him,he broke into a laugh.

"Look at you acting all smart and on top of your game. You think I can't do the same to you?"

He said,still laughing at me like I was a fool.

"Well,you could remove some hair from my face but you should know that the power of invisibility will remain undefeated."

"You're so naive,Jessica. Do you think your little bubble will conceal that mark at the back of your neck?"

"How do you know about my scar?"

I had had this scar since I could remember and it was only until recently that I realized it was his territorial mark on me,like he owned me. He had marked me like I was his property and it irked me just imagining his filthy claw or fang dig into my flesh.

"I've been beside him for years,he trusts me with this kind of information. Anyone who has been helping him search for you knows about it too."

This was just too much to swallow. Ian was right,without my hair,I was vulnerable.

"We don't have to be enemies,you know?"

I said in a much humble tone like I wasn't the one threatening him a few minutes ago.

"Don't even think about it,I don't want to be involved in your plans,it's too dangerous."

"And I'm not asking you to. I'm only asking you to keep all that you know about me to yourself,you know my true intentions and I do yours,we could help protect each other and just carry on with our missions in peace."

He pretended to think about this.

"It's not a bad idea."

"Can I just ask you one question?"


"Has Victor said anything about me? Does he trust me?"

"No,he hasn't said anything to me about you ever since he returned from his trip so-"

"My goodness,this is so bad. Why hasn't he? What if he knows and just waiting for the perfect moment to strike? What if someone's told him?"

"I wouldn't be sure. All I know is that I already knew who you were when you walked in a week ago. I thought you had finally come to offer yourself to Victor like Brian had said you would but when I overheard Christy say you were the new maid,I knew you were up to something. I'm not a bloodsucker so I couldn't really decide whether you were entirely human despite my suspicions but I did the moment you told me to address you as Jessica,I knew for sure you were the special human girl Victor had been searching for,the human girl he'd thought would be the final piece of the puzzle to his success. You know,Victor would do great things with you beside him. He could regain all his power. Things haven't been the same since Lord Vinton's death,some vampires defy him and it's only a matter of time before they dethrone him-"

"Ian,please save me all that bullcrap. I won't help him save his stupid kingdom. He killed my parents,my world,he destroyed my life,tell me why I should save his?"

He had to be kidding...

"Jessica,I'm not asking you to change your mind. I may not be completely honest with him but I think he really isn't that bad and I was ready to inform him that you were finally here,it was my chance to prove my loyalty to him. I feared that if he found out on his own,he'd become suspicious of all his servants,myself included but Daniel stopped me,I know better than to take his warnings lightly. Victor may be majestic and graceful but trust me when I say,he is not as deadly as his nephew. No one knows this though,I guess one of the benefits of being a servant is that you get to see what goes on behind closed doors. I can't even begin to comprehend what was going inside your head when you broke into his room."

I already knew that,I knew it wouldn't be a sage idea to have him as an enemy which is why I was prepared to go an extra mile to have him on my team.

"Wow,good to know that you were willing to sell your fellow human to that fiendish bloodsucker just to save your own skin,what a self-centered bastard you are."

"Good thing I never presented myself as a saint,this shouldn't come as a surprise."

I sneered at him.

"Anyway,let's go make preparations for the guests."

"What guests?"

"The Gonidi sisters,Gina and Rosina,I'm sure you know them,they were here just the other night.

Yep. Another problem solved. Now,I would get on with my plan without anyone threatening to tell on me. I had his very loyal servant and niece on my side but they were as good as nothing without him but it was only a matter of time before I had him eating right at the palm of my hand. You messed with the wrong girl,Victor.


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