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I closed the tap with my scrutinizing eyes still on the reflection of the bloodsucker behind me.

I thought there was something weird about this whole situation. I was sure two full minutes had passed but he still hadn't spoken nor moved a single inch,he had remained too rigid,like a statue.

If he really was here, he surely would've killed me already,like he had possibly done my parents. Maybe it was just my own imagination playing tricks on me.

I slightly turned my head and the sight of him made me feel dizzy. I couldn't place the blame on my tricky imagination any longer, he really was here with me.

As if his behaviour had not confirmed his kind, he spoke;"you've grown so quickly, Jessica. Last time I saw you, you were like, what? Twelve?"

I had never seen this man my whole life and now he was just admitting that he had been stalking me. Some nerve he had.

I really needed to think of a way to get out of here fast. I could run but there's no way I could outrun him, vampires were known for their incredible speed. Screaming was also not an option, no one would hear me with the music so loud.

"Don't even think about it"
Oh there it was. Jason had warned me to be careful what I thought around such parasites, with him this close to me, my thoughts weren't so mine.

"I'm not stupid. I won't run, I'm gonna kick your ass"I wasn't kidding. Just realizing I had no other option but to fight him was all it took for adrenal glands to do their work.

He chuckled, could vampires even do that?"Do you seriously think you can do that?"

"I know I can"I was grateful my voice didn't betray me. It held determination and boldness. When he no longer had that stupid smirk on his face, I felt like I had won. I should be scared now that his face no longer displayed any emotion but I was only encouraged to go on.

"If you're serious about killing me, you're gonna have to exercise your muscles first"

This man could be the one that had Viciously murdered my parents. I wasn't just going to cower on the floor and let him do whatever he pleased.

When he took steady advancing steps towards me, my subconscious started scolding me for my stupidity. He would kill me before I even got the chance to lift a finger. Despite my doubts and regrets, I kept a neutral face. I couldn't let him think he had scared me off that easily.

Where the hell was Liam? I was sure by now he was aware of his presence just as he was of his which I highly doubted was only because of his ability to smell him from afar, this phyco had probably followed us all the way here.

I hadn't realized he was now only two feet away from me until he spoke;

"By the time he gets here, we'll pretty much be done with what we're here for"

Me. Had he just said "we"

That meant he had company? I was so dead.

"Brian!"An irritated voice shouted, startling me.

"I asked you to keep an eye on her, not scare her!"

"I didn't scare her, Vincent"

"Look at her, she's terrified"

My eyes followed the source of the voice.

I was only a few seconds away from death but I still had the time to admire the man's beauty.
He could beat Chris Hemsworth any day. It was quite jocular how they all looked like Marvel's superheroes when they were the opposite. They were the villains, merciless monsters. It wouldn't be hard to use their good looks to trick their victims into believing that they were good before they showed them their disgusting fangs.

"Princess,"Vincent started, I wasn't stupid to not see that he was referring to me although I couldn't understand why.

"Can you just tell me what the hell you want from me?"I asked demandingly.

Vincent laughed as if I had just told him the best joke of the year. What was it with these monsters? Were they really vampires? "You've got some guts, how dare you speak to me like that?"

His voice and features simultaneously became serious. I knew I had made a very stupid move and just like that, I became mute. My voice was stuck in my throat.

"Can you believe it!"He began cheerfully as if he hadn't turned into a monster just a moment ago.

I stared with disbelief as he said,

"After seventeen whole years, it is finally happening. you know, with all their claws on you, I never thought I'd ever get you, just kidding. I knew I'd get you, I get I want."

It wouldn't be wise to ask any questions now. I would just remain quiet and maybe he would explain why he's doing all this.

"I must say, Camberley hasn't changed at all. She's still that dumb, calculating bitch, only this time, she calculated wrong. Thanks to her, we're finally getting back what is rightfully ours. Lord Vi-"

The beeping sound of a phone on his ripped jeans back pocket cut him off.

There was nothing suspicious or terrifying about Vincent's outfit. He could easily blend in with humans without drawing unwanted attention to himself. With his black leather jacket and those jeans, the tattoo on his neck of what I couldn't figure out and the nose piercing, normal people would just see him as another bad boy but underneath all that lay a much more dangerous creature.

"Fu*k!"I almost jumped at his words.

He scrutinized me for a second making me think that he'd decided my fate. By the time he finally took his eyes off me, I was already panting.

"You know what to do,"he said matter-of-factly to Brian.

Vincent walked out looking all pissed, leaving me with big Brian. Oh God, he'd just ordered me dead. I should never had begged Liam to bring me with. I should've listened to him when he told me it wasn't safe now look where my stubbornness got me, I was going to get killed. I was so stupid.

I couldn't understand why they were in Marcus' land. I had thought they were prohibited from here and why the hell did they wait this long,no doubt they had the perfect chance at the border, why now?

"It wouldn't be as fun as now that we're taking you away from Marcus,"Brian replied to my thoughts.

"What exactly do you want from me?"

I at least deserved to know why they went as far as murdering my parents.

"It's not my place but for what it's worth, you're in possession of something that belongs to us."

It took me a few seconds to manage to laugh awkwardly. Maybe this was meant to be a joke. They had killed my parents simply because they stupidly believed that I had something of theirs?

I looked at Brian and he didn't have any hint of a smile on his papery face but his nose was wrinkled in disgust.

I rolled my eyes.I didn't think the toilets were that bad. Bloody vampire couldn't even be subtle about his callousness. "Come on, what are you? A princess? Have you never been in public toilets before?"

Brian didn't seem to be paying attention to me, instead he moved hurriedly to the door. It took me a second to realize he wasn't wrinkling his nose because of the reeking toilets but because of an uninvited scent of his rival.

The next thing I saw was Liam flying across the room, he landed on the floor, letting out a painful groan that hurt my ears and earned my tear.


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