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Two full minutes had passed and I still hadn't gathered enough courage to interrupt his conversation with Christian Smith. They weren't talking about anything serious though, they were talking about Liam and his rebellious ways and like any other friends, they shared some laughter in between.

I decided to head back upstairs, I wouldn't want to come off as nosy.

It wasn't long before someone groaned painfully, forcing me to rush back with the intention of asking whether they were okay but like before, my feet got stuck right before his door.

"You knew about this all along?"

When I heard Marcus' voice filled with power, I didn't have to wonder much who had groaned in agony.

"Please forgive me,"Smith cried.

"Say sorry one more time and I'll make sure I don't miss your heart."

I covered my mouth in shock as I felt worry wrapping around my insides tightly. What the hell was happening? I had thought they were friends, they were laughing together just a minute ago and now they had moved to hurting each other. I was confused and surprised but I wasn't planning to turn back clueless.

"Look at that boy, he's finishing my people off. I don't even know what he's doing here. If I didn't know any better, I would say Victor sent him but I know Victor would never do anything to aggravate me. He would do anything to protect the innocent lives in Adobe."

Marcus paused for so long that I even wondered whether he had felt my presence.

Thankfully, he spoke again before my heart could sell me out by beating abnormally.

"You, it is your fault. If you weren't this much of a traitor, that boy wouldn't have gone this far. He knew you knew and took your silence as invitation. There is a vicious killer roaming my streets freely and all thanks to you and your stupidity."

So there was a killer in Marcussé?
I could feel fear clothing me just at the thought of it.

"I swear I never meant for any of this to happen, Marc. I didn't tell you because I was protecting you"

Marcus' bitter laugh cut him off.

"Protecting me? From what, exactly?"


Who was this Victor? His name kept popping up a lot. Was he the root of their conflict?

"What?"Marcus asked with a hint of impatience in his voice.

"He went to see Liam two days before he left the university. I didn't hear their conversation but I'm certain it was about her"

"You knew he threatened my son and still kept quiet? Christian, whose side are you on exactly? I thought we were friends"

"We are friends but I had to, Marc. I know you won't believe me but I only wanted to protect you and Liam"

I always knew there was more to the story behind this. I knew something much bigger had chased Liam away from the university and I grew sudden interest in this Victor.

"Your betrayal is sharper than a serpent's tongue and right now, I want nothing more but to kill you but I know I won't sleep well at night which is why I need you to leave now before I do something crazy."

Marcus said with unhidden honesty.

"Get out"

I could just see his face twisted into disgust and anger in my mind as those words left his mouth.

"Marc, I think you should think of your people and your own son and consider giving him what he really wants, otherwise, it won't end well."

"I said get out!"

As if he was referring to me, I fled.


When I finally stepped out of the shower, it felt like I had been in there for ages. Who was I kidding? On days like this, time never made sense.

Zach's name flashed on my screen and I became even more irritated. He had been calling me nonstop since he left. Whatever he wanted to tell me could wait. I had far more important things to do than to nurse his sensitive ass.

In case you're wondering why I was all pissed,my birthday was approaching and so was the blood moon. I wished the two days never came.

It would be absurd to think that a monster like me had a soul. I didn't believe I had one but I couldn't help feeling guilty. It was days like this that made me curse my existence.

During the blood moon,I turned into a monster and it was only in the morning that it all came back and started eating me. I would get these flashbacks of me sinking my fangs into their necks, sucking the life out of them and I would hate myself. I wouldn't hate myself because I had fed on them but because they were pure and defenseless, just like my mother.

I had wondered so many times whether she had the same terrified look on her face as I ripped my way out of her womb. I was only a baby but my heart wasn't the purest.

I let out a sharp breath. I couldn't allow this to consume my mind. I couldn't afford to lose focus, not when I had such an important task at hand.

Speaking of which, I should find out whether there was an opportunity. I walked to my window and she wasn't lying on her bed anymore. Good, I had thought she'd never put that book down.

When I saw her in gym wear, I knew it was time to execute my plan.


One thing you have in common with Jess?

Me:Judging too quickly😣

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