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This had to be Liam. Jason had told me about him. Apparently he'd spent his two years of university rebelling against his father.

Watching them stare each other down for some time confused my nerves. I was now miraculously calm but their behaviour just wasn't having any compassion on my curiosity.

Michael entered the room, stealing away my attention from them for a minute."Young master"

Michael said obviously to Liam, grinning from ear to ear. He was clearly pleased to see him, something that could not be said about Liam's own father.

"Sure,"Liam replied distantly,shattering whatever hope Michael had for a better reunion.

"Can I get you anything to drink?"Michael asked, disappointment unconcealed in his voice.

"No, just get fucking lost,please"Liam said coldy to poor Michael who didn't wait for another word to run out of the room like he was being chased.

He was his father's servant but he too deserved respect.

He made himself comfortable on a chair not so far from mine, grabbing a slice of pineapple in the process.

"I see you've finally come back to your senses,"Marcus finally broke the ice.

"Oh I'm sorry for giving you false hope, I'm only here because I got expelled"Liam laughed mockingly as if none of what he'd just said mattered.

"You what?"Marcus demanded, his voice intimidating, well,at least to me.

"Yes, dad. It's not a big deal,"Liam said, his voice too relaxed. He seemed unbothered about this whole thing that I even felt sorry for Marcus for having to deal with him.

"You nasty piece of-, of course it is a big deal!"

"It isn't, dad. Please stop making mountains out of molehills."

Marcus sighed, clearly getting tired of this."You have to go back, Liam. You can't quit now"Marcus said, almost like a plea.

"I'm sorry, I can't."

"You will go back, I'm calling Christian."

"I don't need your stupid friend to bail me out, dad."

"I'm no longer having this conversation with you,Liam. You never listen to me and your stupidity is gonna cost us big time."Marcus scolded with his eyes holding an insurmountable anger.

"Jeez, dad. Can't I just get some peace and quiet?"Liam complained, seemingly too relaxed for someone who'd just gotten expelled.

"Not in this house, I will drag you back to MJ university if I have to"

It was already too late for Liam to try and convince his father otherwise as he had already started dialing, exiting the room.

I looked at my food, oddly enough, my appetite hadn't vanished.

"Oh and who might you be?"Oh he's finally acknowledging my presence.

"Don't you think you should've asked that a bit earlier?"

He scrutinized me with his ocean blue eyes, except, they no longer looked as beautiful as they had been earlier. They were now gloomy and cold and I resented them.

"If I wasn't so occupied but I am asking now,"he challenged.

I let out a sharp breath before saying,"I'm Jess-"

"Now that wasn't so hard, was it?"He interjected, making me wish to slap him right across the face, he was so mean.

"You're rude, you know that?"

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