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"The number is growing,it looks like he's moving towards us"

I shifted uncomfortably as Liam said that.

"Oh,there's no need to fear,Jess. You've got me,"he winked and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"Look,we need to read between lines here,if it really is him. He is delivering a message to you because here he won't get in without being invited. You have to go outside, turn yourself in to him. That way,you'll be preventing further loss of human lives. This is meant to scare you,Jess."

"I know that and i don't know what to do,honestly. If I don't go to him,he'll continue to kill them and if I go,he'll use me and I might get killed,"I told Liam.

"You can make him dance to your tune." He smirked.


"Tell me everything you've learned about him and his fucking boring life."

I told him all I could remember, all I'd found suspicious.

"So this Ian,is he merely human?"
Liam asked as he wrote in his notebook everything he thought important.

"Ian has a very formidable gift," I told Ian.

"Go on,"he promoted.

"One day,he deceived my mind into thinking that I was on fire. Every part of my body was blazing but it was more excruciating to my eyes,like a venomous cobra had spit into them,"I told Liam.

"This is incredible" Liam dropped his pen in shock.

"That's exactly the way I reacted. It explains why he's still alive. Without him,Victor is less powerful."

"He's as useful to him as you would be,"he acknowledged,"if his gift is to create an illusion of burning pain,Victor won't ever lose any war. It is through merely an illusion that he turns his opponents into helpless targets."

"What else?"

"Uhm,this other day,I overheard him talking about someone called Vladimir." I reminded myself not to tell him he was Daniel's dad. He had told me in confidence, I couldn't betray him.

Liam looked at me without saying anything, promoting me to go on.

"So,it sounded like he was his enemy of some sort."

"Enemy, that's great," Liam beamed as he penned Vladimir on his notebook.

"Go on,"he said.

"Well,the one thing I like about this Vladimir is that they're holding him captive. They think they have him eating out of their palms but as I listened, I heard he's a scientist and he's working on some drug. Dumb Rosinah didn't even ask what it was for." I almost laughed as I said so.

"I'm telling you, Liam, that drug is a weapon."

"What do you mean? This isn't a movie,Jess. Maybe he just needs a distraction. He'd obviously go bananas if he thought about Victor all day."

"Can't you see? He's working on his way out. You should've heard them,they underestimate him so much. They won't see him coming and that's why we would thrive with him on our side,"I said.

"Okay,Vladimir. Vladi-,wait a minute, I think I've heard this name before,it sounds so familiar,"Liam said as the realization hit him.

"Does it?"

"Yeah but I can't remember where I heard it." He said thoughtfully.

I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't remember. Vampires had many gifts,including wiping away a memory from someone's mind.

"Okay,now that we know he's invincible because he has Ian,we have to take him out." Liam said.

"What do you mean take him out?"
He had better not be thinking what I was. When he didn't answer, it became clear.

"We are going to kill him. If Camberley wasn't so two faced,we would be using her right now."


"Victor's not her enemy."

"What do you mean?"

"They are allies. They just pretend to loathe each other so others don't become suspicious because they believe a vampire and a wolf can't share the same shade."

What the hell was I hearing?He clearly had to be joking.

"That's why I've been telling you to not trust my father and Camberley."

"Your father is his ally too?"

"Well,he claims he's not and I believe him but I just can't get the thought that he deliberately sent you there so he could kill you off my mind."

"But why would he do that?"

"I don't know what goes on inside his head but I know he's lied to you like he has to me my whole life." Liam shook his head as he said so.

I sighed as I digested this whole thing. I knew he was evil but I had never thought to this extent. How could he do this to me. My brother had trusted him with my life for God's sake! And to pretend that he hated Victor,to pull off that act with Christian. I had to give it to him,he was clever.

"So,Christian? Do you think he's been lying too?"

I had been played. Christian was never on my side. He was sent by Marcus and their purpose was to destroy me.

"Uhm,I don't think so. Christian wouldn't do that. He's nothing like my dad,maybe that's the reason why they're no longer friends." Liam said.

That felt so much better.

"Do you think Marcus knew I was in Victor's house?"

"No,he would've already told Victor. "

"He did,Liam. If he hadn't, Victor wouldn't have demanded me to prove I was Conard's daughter. He wouldn't have made me drink blood and he certainly wouldn't be after me,somebody told him,Liam."

"He made you drink blood? What the fuck,Jess?"

"Well,that is not important right now,the po-"

"And you saw no need to tell me? How could he? Who the fuck does he think he is? I am going to mishandle his papery face!" Liam roared.

"Liam,can you please calm down?"

"Don't tell me to calm down,Jess. He has gone too far." He fumed as he stormed out of the house with me running after him.

"Liam!you're gonna get yourself killed,please don't go. What about our plan?"

"I don't need a plan to put an end to this fuckery!" I watched as his trembling fingers balled into fists at his sides.

"Liam,can you please just stop,you're scaring me!" I shouted,finally gaining his full attention.

"I said let it go,it's not a big deal,"I said.

"Well,it is to me." He clenched his teeth, probably trying to keep me from seeing his rage which was a waste of time,really. The sweat breaking through his forehead and his heavy intakes of air were just a warning that he would soon transform. We stared at each other for some time.

He had become calmer as he felt what I was feeling until he suddenly snapped his head towards the gate,annoyed. It was dark but after a few minutes of waiting, I could make out a figure. The long robe was unmistakably his.


I'm so excited because WDW is dropping an album on the 15th!!! Any limelights here?

Don't forget to VOTE


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