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As Liam raced to only he knew with me on his passenger seat,I couldn't stop the tears from pouring out of my eyes.

I had never thought of Daniel this way. Sure,he was hella attractive but never had I imagined myself this much attached to him that it hurt to leave him. I realized now that i never wanted to call Liam. It was only to spite him. I knew he would protect me.He would never let Victor harm me but that was the problem. I did not like feeling safe around him. I wasn't supposed to. It was easier being around Christy.

As much as I hated to admit it,I was still very much alive. The organ i thought had lost its functioning was awakened just by being close to him. I got to feel what it's like to be cared for again.

I wiped away my tears when I finally saw a small house with lights on.

Liam opened my door and scooped me in his arms.

"Thanks,"I said shyly after he had carefully put me on the sofa.

"By the way,Jason's alright. I had to lie to get you back to your senses."

Liam looked at me with his face masked with concern and a little bit of disgust? Before disappearing into the next room that I figured was the kitchen.

Liam's house was one of those in which you'd wish to curl up with a good book,a cup of coffee and just cocoon yourself from the rest of the world. It had a long,overstuffed sofa that was festooned with a simple, white woven rug and a bunch of pink pillows that complimented the softness of the white walls and the pale carpet that felt plush beneath my feet. I looked at the chocolates on the bowl set on the coffee table,I couldn't resist when they called for me. Liam wouldn't mind.

As I unwrapped one,I picked up the remote and turned on the small screen TV and started browsing through channels. I had never been a TV person but right now,I didn't want to be speaking with Liam. I had no intention of listening to him scold me for my stupidity.

"Good evening,thank you for tuning into CCP news with me,Linda Jo,coming to you live from Tobby Studios,Adobe"

"Here,"Liam offered me a cup of coffee and a mini blanket.

"Thank you."

"What are you watching?" He asked,sitting down next to me.

"Tonight,three young men were found dead in the outskirts of Adobe forest. Although they all have identical shocking marks on their legs,the cause of their death is still unknown,"

"Please note that the following content contains material that may be harmful or disturbing and traumatizing to some audiences."

Within seconds, they showed images of three bodies with marks on their legs. I shifted uncomfortably as Liam and I looked at each other. We both knew what this meant.

"Our reporter,James Harlow was first on the scene,James how is it going there,any developments?"

"Thank you,Linda. Uhm,families of the two men were contacted and are on their way here as we speak. The other body is yet to be identified. I do not have much to share since more police investigations are still ongoing but I, Uhm,promise to get back to you as soon as I do." James said.

"Well,thank you,James. Shocking stuff indeed. Coming up next is-"

Liam quickly turned off the TV and turned to me,fuming.

"See what happens when you choose to kiss your enemy's son?"

Liam said to me.

"Wait,you think this is my fault?"

"It damn is your fault, Jessica. If you hadn't went around making out with your parents' killers,none of this would've happened!"

"You make it sound like I'm a whore,Liam. Daniel and I only kissed,and it was for the fucking first time!" Lying was becoming more natural.

"Well,now look how that turned out. He goes and kills three fucking humans,Jess!"

"Are you listening to yourself? Daniel didn't do it!"

"If not him,then who? These incidents are barely two kilometers away from the forest,where we left him."

"As you can see,this is the new norm...in order to survive, I had to adapt,"I remembered what Victor said in my dream.

"Yes but those aren't his fangs,"I clarified.

"Wow,you're defending him now,you even know his style of biting? Who are you?"

Honestly that hurt.

"Liam,I know you don't like Daniel and it's hard for you to believe but really,it-"

"Oh,no,you're mistaken, I don't like Daniel, I hate him and the fact that he's gotten yo-"

"God damn it,Liam! Those are Victor's fangs and I know because he left those marks on my parents!" I stood up as I shouted at the top of my lungs.

With that,I stormed out of the small sitting room,it wasn't that much hard to find the bathroom. I locked the door and sank down to the floor and started crying.

I knew it was my fault but why did he have to mention it like I didn't know already? Victor was so mad and he was going to do all he could to get to me.

Daniel,I wondered if he was okay. The killings of these humans happened within an hour after our departure. He must've seen it all. What if he hurt him?

"Jessica?" I heard Liam say on the other side of the door.

"Go away Liam"

"Jess,look,I know you're mad at me but you can't stay in there forever,we have to work on a plan."

"What plan? Can't you see it's over?"

"It's not over,you're just scared. Now come out or I'll break this fucking door."

I got up and washed my face before heading to the kitchen where I found Liam putting something in the microwave.

"What's that?"I asked as I sat on the kitchen high chair.

"It's macaroni and cheese,I hope it's fine for you."

I nodded and started playing with my fingers.

"Jess,can you please look at me?"

"I don't want to look at you as you scold me some more."

I heard him sigh before he walked to me and held my hands in his.

"You're still a crybaby, aren't you?" He chuckled,making me laugh a little.

"I know I've always blamed you for everything going wrong in your life,I realize now that it's unfair of me and I'm sorry."

"Wow,"I said.

"Now tell me where the hell were you and how did you even meet Daniel?"

I told him everything. From my little plan with Christian but I made sure to leave the part where Victor made me drink blood.

"So,you changed your name? No wonder I couldn't find you. I still wish you had told me,though."

"I'm sorry,"I said.

"Wow,I had underestimated you,Jess. You sure grew some balls along the way. Although I'm a little disappointed that you have fallen for your worst enemy's son,I'm glad you've come this far,I'm proud of you."

"Get the forks,"he said as the microwave beeped.


Come stai?(just showing off my Italian🤣)

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