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I lazily undressed myself and stepped into the shower. It felt like a bunch of knives were dug into my flesh when the rushed droplets of cold water fell upon my skin but I got used to it over time. It seemed to be just what I needed to calm down,after all.

Were it possible, I'd stay here forever because the coldness disrupted me from thoughts that I was trying so much to run away from.

I spent probably ten minutes standing under the shower,nothing unwanted boiling inside my brain. Christy's voice disturbed the calming quietude of my mind.

"Mer,come downstairs as soon as you're done."

"Okay,"I replied and soon heard her heels clicking against the floor as she walked away.

It was freezing cold today and afar roared an angry thunder,promising a heavy rain. Time passed pretty quickly, just two months ago,I would be worried and praying my little hut wasn't flooded. Here,I was safe and secure,well only from the harshness of nature.

Nonetheless, I had always loved rain,it was such a pity I wouldn't go outside to smell the moistened earth,I already had other plans for tonight.

I slipped into my pink oversized pajamas. I wasn't really a fan of pink but I liked that they were cozy and warm,just like many other clothes he had gotten me. I wondered what he was doing. I wondered if things were okay between him and Marcus,it was highly impossible. But I was glad he no longer was part of this suicide mission. I would be the only one to bear the consequences.

If Marcus already knew I was here,he wasn't content with the fact that Christian had helped me. He would've wished to give me a list of orders to carry out in this house. He was a control freak. Yes,just a few hours in his presence was enough for me to know that.

"Christy,"I called when I found no one downstairs.

My eyes then fell upon the luggage by the door. The Gonidi sisters must have arrived. I could only assume she wanted me to take these to their rooms since I had become fairly familiar with that side. I wondered how Lord Victor would take it If he found out.

The bags were heavy but nothing I hadn't felt on my shoulders, so I didn't mind. These bags would also be my perfect excuse. It was better than tiptoeing here like I had intended to do later tonight.

"It has been long indeed,my Lord"a woman's voice came from one of the rooms.

Being such a nosy person, I abandoned my bags and walked closer to the door, on which I leaned my prying ear.

"Tell me how's our little Vlad?"I recognized Victor's ancient voice.

"He's now in chicken business,"the woman laughed but I heard nothing of the kind from Victor, he probably didn't know how to.

"He's still as intelligent, even made a new drug. I'm not interested enough to remember what he said it does and he speaks of you day and night,"the woman said.

"That means he still remembers the damage he's caused. It's a pity he doesn't have a heart,he would've long died from heartbreak. That's the only thing i envy about humans,they don't have to be haunted by the past for eternity,"Victor said.

"I don't think that's the reason,Vlad knows he's innocent,even though you've made the whole world believe otherwise,"

"Innocent?"Victor accused.

"I meant that he thinks he's innocent,"how ridiculous.

About five seconds of silence passed.

"He always wants to know what you're up to,I got a feeling that he's planning something big. I wouldn't let my guard down if I were you,"

"I must say,I find it rather offensive that you believe he could ever outsmart me. Do me a favor and stop with your stupid opinions,I'll tell you when to raise them,"

"Forgive me, my lord,"the woman apologized.

"And worry not,Vladimir would never do anything to hurt me,he's always been the good one,drink?"

"Yes,my throat is parched."

Who was this Vladimir?

"Vladimir has changed, my lord,"

"The hell?"

A scratchy voice said behind me. When I saw Gina's face,I knew I was done for.

"What are you doing?,"accompanying that question was a cold scrutiny.

"Were you eavesdropping?"

"Wait,you're the new maid,aren't you?"

She asked question after question and like a deer seeing the lights,I could only stare,no words fell off my lips.

"You can talk,can't you?"

"I can,"I said,biting my lower lip in shame.

"Then answer my questions,"she said.

"I swear it's not what it looks like ma'am,I was only-"

"Only what? How dare you cross so many boundaries? Do you not understand your place in this house?"


"Shut the fuck up!I'm still talking,"

How dare she yell at me?

"I knew from first sight that there was more to you,who sent you?"


"It's time to drop that little act. A true servant doesn't forget her place,a true servant doesn't slip into forbidden chambers. I saw slipping into Daniel's room that night,you never came out. You slept there,didn't you?"

Although the probability of rain was higher, it was still summer but it had suddenly become bitingly cold and the wind that whipped around did a very weak job in cooling off my nerves.

"Your relationship with Christy is questionable and now I find you leaning your dumb ear against your master's door. You're not a servant, who are you?"

I honestly knew not what to say when she looked at me expectantly.

"What's all the noise for?" Rosinah opened the door, behind her,my unaware greatest enemy.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter.
Much love,

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