Ivy Doesn't Seem Poisonous From Far....

25 4 21

Written by: @theoptimist24

Yami's POV:

Everything has been cool since we came to the auditorium. Well exclude the few competitive goody goody girls who have been trying to steal my part in the presentation. 

Like seriously.......

You have less work than me.......why don't you just enjoy life?

I shake my head clear, when my name is called upon.

From this side, I can see the whole auditorium. I smile lightly, when I see Aditya looking my way. He seemingly is being interrogated by Aarushi. 

She is one sweet girl......I have known her for a short time but I have never seen her complaining about anything. It must get hard though.... listening to everyone and saying nothing.

I finish my act as Akshat enters the centre stage. 

I decided to wait behind the curtains for him..... just cause......I don't know........I feel like I owe him...

My mad brain!

Akshat finishes his short declamation and we both step down the stage.

"How was I up there?" He asked me.

"Brilliant! Just work with the voice modulation......" I told him.

"Thanks!" He exclaimed enthusiastically. God! I miss being an average student....... Atleast people don't always assume the best from you......

We walked across the aisle and joined our other "friends". 

I saw Akshat giving Aarushi a meaningful look.

These people are so bad with secrecy.....

I take a seat beside Akshat, as the four of us start talking about random things.

I see Shikhar, an old classmate of mine, making his way towards us.

He asks for Chopra, but gives me a quick wave as he passes by. I smile and wave back.

"You know what! I don't think you get to decide whether Harry Potter is good or not unless you have read the books....." I hear Aarushi and immediately turn my head towards her.

Akshat sighs.

"I have seen the movies...."

"The movies are shit!" I blurt out.

"Oh my god!......" Aarushi slaps a hand to her mouth while Akshat looks at me with wide eyes.

"What?!" I ask perplexed.

"You cursed....." Akshat deadpanned.

"Did I?" I squinted my eyes in confusion.

"Yes......" Aarushi was full on hysterical now.

"Oh great! Spread the word.........The good girl's gone bad...." I said with a suggestive eyebrow quirk.

"Maybe that would have worked.....if you were pretty...." Akshat joked.

I laughed lightly, feeling a little fall in my stomach. Right......he was only joking.......you are pretty Yami......

"No you're not......" My brain starts.

I shake my head lightly, and look up again. Aarushi has just left, for the stage. I really need to work on this "you're not pretty " thing.


It's been a few minutes. I just saw Aarushi talking to Aditya, Shikhar and some bad vibes guy after which I see her making her way towards us with a little pout. 

She stops in front of Kushagra.......who had taken her seat for the time being to converse with Akshat.

"Kushagra.....do you mind getting up." She tries to keep her voice normal but I sense the seriousness.

"Just wait a few minutes....." He replies unheedingly.

"No.....I want my seat back right now!" She exclaimed suddenly.

"Aarushi...... it's just two minutes...." Akshat argues.

I shake my head a little at him but he doesn't notice. Aarushi is about to reply when I say.

"I need to go to the washroom......... Aarushi mind coming with me........." 

She looks at me with a "I'm so done" expression but obliges nonetheless.

We both take permission from our class teacher and rush towards the nearest washroom.

Once we reach there, I turn towards her.

"What's wrong?" 

"Nothing" she rubs her arm and replies.

"I can read you......" I retaliate.

She looks at me with a disgusted expression but answers anyway.

"I think.......I think........ Vaidehi thinks Aditya broke up with her because he has something going on with........me" 

" What?! By the way.......is there something?" I asked.

"I know!....and no! Never him!" She replies.

"Okay then........ what's it to do with you....." I inquired.

"It has everything to do with me! ......... People keep joining our name together with hearts....... And when Vaidehi gets jealous or overprotective.......... she can make him break off his friendship with me" Aarushi spat.

"He is your friend......he won't do that" I consoled.

"Maybe.........but I am not so sure.............I just want to tell her that she is being a possessive bitch!......And I want to tell him...... that I am not okay with being pulled into their relationship drama!......" She literally word vomited.

"Just say it to them......" I suggested.

"I can't....... it'll crush them" she argued.

"And...... what about your mental health?!.......if you keep listening to everyone and saying nothing then you'll explode" I pointed out.

"I have been doing that since years.......it doesn't affect me...." 

"Bullshit!" I fake cheered.

"You my dear...... need to get this anger out of your system...... and to the right people" I added holding her shoulders.




"Are you angry?" 


"See..... you just said yes.......go punch the lovers' nose" I cheered.

"I think I will......"

"Good......why?" I asked.

"Cause I deserve to express myself......." She smiled.

"Nice!" I pushed her out of the washroom and said.

She marched past..... with her head up high.

That's my girl!


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