I Know What You Don't Know

19 2 49

Written by: theoptimist24

Yami's POV:

I still can't believe I actually cried........ it's so frustrating when those bulky drops of salt fall from your eyes when you don't want them to, and I know it has been a week since that incident but still.........I mean I don't want people to think I am weak.

Anyways, today is the first day of our school's  'Founder's Day' celebration and trust me..... all of us have worked extremely hard to put on a presentable item for the huge show. Right now though, I am at home waiting for the clock to strike two.....so that I can leave.

"Let's just leave already! It's one-fifty....." I whined as my mother came towards me.

"Your teacher called you at two-thirty......" She started.

"Between two to two-thirty!" I told her.

"Whatever......... what will you even do there so early......" My mother continued.

"Maybe I'll practice......" I said dryly.

"How many times have I told you...... don't use sarcasm when you talk to me....." She commented ,standing up suddenly.

"And......let us leave now...." She added.

Ignoring her previous comment, I jumped up in joy, my heavy  jewellery unmoving on my neck as I stumbled into our car.

Off to school!


"Good afternoon Yami! You are early....." Sir greeted.

"And the first one......" I said quite proud of myself.

"Not the case.......nerd!" Aditya Chopra's voice exclaimed from behind the dance room doors, while I shut my eyes tight in annoyance.

"You don't count......you came with sir..." I shot back finally stepping into the gigantic room.

"Okay......... well Akshat is here too...." He replied.

I just stood there though with my eyebrows arched up, thinking of a good reply.

"You both aren't wearing your costumes......." I started.

"Can we cut out this argument?" Sir asked with his arms crossed.

"Yes, sir!" We hollered inching towards the mirrors while we waited for the make up man and our other friends to arrive.

It wasn't long before Aarushi came stumbling into the room, her jewellery literally flying off her.

"I'm sorry......I am late!" She bellowed as soon as she entered the room.

The very few students who had come in after me and the boys turned around in haste to welcome the new arrival.

"Hey!" We chirped as she rushed towards us.

"Can I help you with your costume and jewellery......" I awkwardly added as she took a deep breath, regaining her composure.

"Yeah, totally...... this fucking jewellery is a piece of shit!" She cursed the gold on herself.

"Okay.......... and please mind your language......." I scrunched up my nose and said.

The boys rolled their eyes but Aarushi nodded her head nonetheless.

"Okay....." She said and practically dropped on the floor.

"What the fu...." I started in shock only to hold myself back when I saw three pairs of narrowing eyes on me.

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