I am the one to blame....

32 3 8

Written by- theoptimist24

Yami's POV:

When life gives you lemons, it doesn't give you enough time to make lemonade. That's what I learnt today. Ordinarily, the normal middle school drama doesn't affect me so much but today , I  feel like a monster. I want to kill everyone while wasting as much blood as possible! I want to rip their skin and bathe in their blood! I want, everyone to bleed like I am bleeding, continuously.

 As you may have perceived, I am on my period. The worst five days of every month, that make me regret being a girl. Besides the normal and agitating, flowing sensation....everybody appears meaner. Suddenly I feel like I have a crush on every boy I meet, and after a second humanity seems to disgust me. Every silly thing makes me want to bang my head and considering how bad my day has been , up till now...I am not even afraid of breaking my skull.

This year was my last chance to put up a class presentation but turns out it's not just my class, rather we are having a combined presentation with two other classes. This increases the number of  lazy children, who are most likely to be put in programs involving dance and music. That lazy lot ,sadly, doesn't consist of me, so when I and my so called friends decided to join the dance program I was extracted from there, because two lousy girls had found nothing else to do. So their goes my chance to show off my dance skills! 

Then, there was a chemistry test! And you know what.......it went well. Got you there!😆

Although, the worst part of today, would be now. There had been absolute serenity as me and Vidushi walked downstairs to meet our friends during break, when all of a sudden Big T appeared. Well I call her Big T , her true name is Tara, she is currently the most popular and datable girl according to the 'Boy's List Of Dream Girls'. Yeah, that exists and I am not included in it. Moving on.......she grabs Vidushi from the arm and pulls her away with herself, while I wonder if I should follow them. My answer, however is answered, soon.

"We don't need you there, Yami....why don't you just go and revise for tomorrow's test." Tara says.

She doesn't give me a chance to answer as she struts away with Vidushi hot on her heels. I shrug and continue walking to my destination, even though I was sure that most of my friends would be with Tara. I am just hoping that one of them has stayed behind to keep me company. My pre-plan, however, doesn't turn out in reality for there are only occupied spaces in the lawn area , with no sign of my friends. I sigh, as tears prick my eyes.....Damn! Those hormones. I rush back to our classroom, only to find it empty. 

It scares me, how no one refuses to leave when I tell them to leave me alone. It scares me, how people never desire to see what's beyond my expected behaviour. Right now though, being alone is fine, I can cry all I want, complain about anything and everything because no one is watching and they can't tell me that I am the one to blame....

My reverie is however disturbed as I hear approaching footsteps. I wipe my face quickly and stare at the door as a familiar face appears through it. She catches me staring at her of course.

"Uh....are you waiting for someone or something?" Aarushi asks pointing towards the door.

"No-ope" I reply as my voice cracks from all the crying. Bloody hell!

She immediately guages my reaction and  grabs a seat next to me.

"Is something wrong?" She asks.

Like I would tell you! I think as she looks at me with undiminished hope.

"Nothing....I am just on my period and the cramps hurt bad.." I smiled.

"Then why did you even come to school? You should have rested at home!" She expressed herself enthusiastically.

I stared at her , confunded and said after a while.

"We had a chemistry test today...." I over emphasized the 'today'.

"Yeah....so?" She muttered obliviously.

And I am sure that I glared at her for 5 solid minutes, soon after which I shook my head and scolded myself for intimidating the poor girl.

"So..... how is the dance?" I asked, trying to change the topic.

She got my signal and answered.

"It went.... quite well" 

"Chopra was paired with his girlfriend...." She added as she gave a little laugh.

"I hate that guy!" I spat out, after which she visibly tensed.

"I did too....but he grows on you" she said, after a while..... although there was bitterness in her voice.

"I would love to see that happen...." I said as the bell dinged. 

She smiled at me curtly and rushed away to her seat. I guess I wasn't too diplomatic, maybe he is a nice guy. I will talk to Akshat about him.... because right now I want to dwell in my misery.


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