R.I.P Maturity!

27 4 8

Written by: @theoptimist24

Yami's POV:


Holy crap! I thought Aarushi said that I was not in danger........

I turned around, flipping my braid towards my shoulder, only to be met by a raging Mr. Chopra and a disappointed Vaidehi......

"I swear! You are such a bitch!" He shouted as I raised my brows. He was really scared....... I guess I would be too if I had some ' Romeo-Juliet' romance brewing.....

"Hey........Calm down! You don't even know the complete story!" I held him down.

"You know what!" He shrugged off my hands. "I don't need your complete story!......I hope your heart is satisfied with your revenge....." He literally spat.

"Not cool!" I shouted as he rushed past me.

"Why did you do that?" Vaidehi asked me.

" I didn't have a choice........it was Shreshttha who blurted out the thing....." I stated, starting to get a little angry. Why the hell do you love if you can't stand by it beyond secrecy!

"I never expected this from you.........." She started. 

"I'm sorry okay.........I shouldn't have told our teacher about your relationship....." I interrupted her.

"All in time...." She smiled lightly.


"Your friend is sick......" Is the first thing I say as I join Akshat and Aarushi.

"What happened now?" Aarushi groaned.

"Nothing....... it's all my fault...... Just that idiot won't listen to me!" I sighed.

"So........did you walk in on him kissing, or what?" Akshat asked with a playful smirk.

"No....... I told our teacher about "them"....." I said putting emphasis on the them.

"No, you didn't." Akshat said seriously.

"Dude...... she did!" Aarushi muttered exasperately.

"You know...... his father would kill him if he finds out!" Akshat shouted.

"Mr. Pandey! Silence!" Came our teacher's voice.

He lowered his voice.

"You totally deserve it.......He is seriously screwed if this gets out!" 

"Hey! First of all....... Mind your language...." I started and Akshat rolled his eyes.

"Secondly.......In my defence, I did nothing...... Shreshttha started it, then sir asked me then I blurted it all out, and I am so sorry!" I added.

"I seriously don't think that's a big issue........" Aarushi whispered suddenly.

"What?!" I made a dramatic expression.

"Exactly!........ The real problem here is we have to leave for the auditorium in....." She pointed towards the door.

" 0 seconds..........and Aditya isn't here" She concluded.

"And.......I am not supposed to tag along......" I added with a fake cheery voice.

"Well.....you can.....you know......kind of......tag along" Akshat started.

"My, my........do you consider me your friend?" I asked.

"Yes, we do!" Aarushi face-palmed.

"Okay then......" I chirped jokingly while they looked at me with surreal expressions.

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