Oh dear lord!

16 2 23

Written by: theoptimist24

Yami's POV:

The past few days have been....... interesting to say the least. Aarushi and I have bonded a bit.... probably because both the boys are attached to the hip. Which reminds me that Chopra and Vaidehi have patched up......... people use weird phrases...... Anyways!

Today is the day! The day of the class presentation....... and don't get me wrong because I just want this to end!

"No.....you won't do that" I told Chopra strictly.

"Yes......I would" he mocked me.

"Oh come on Yami! I promise if he breaks his head, I would break mine too......" Akshat tried reasoning with me.

"Yeah! That's why! No!" I exclaimed, punching Aarushi lightly as she laughed

"Hey! I did practically nothing!" She complained.

"Don't......" I glared at her.

"Okay........but I don't have a problem with him doing the cartwheel...... it'll look good, bro" Aarushi gave Chopra a thumbs up.

"The stage is slippery....." I started.

"I am dancing! Barefoot!" He answered.

"That's worse...... what if one of you scrape your feet?!" 

"You do remember....you just said, the stage is slippery, right?" Akshat asked me.

I gave him my best 'shut up, it's not the time to be smart' look after which he did shut up but.....Ugh! These people are planning their own death......

"Fine! Do as you like......but if you break your head!....." I concluded.

" Then you'll break my neck, so that I am completely dead!" The three of them chanted in unison.

"So you get it.......Be safe, Don't die, Don't fight and....... Mind your language" I told them as I rushed away.

"Okay......." I heard their collective sighs.


"Music.....is one of the most essential parts of life. It gives wings to imagination and soul to the universe...... without wasting much time.....I would like to call upon the budding musicians of our class to sing "Drag Me Down" by One Direction" I anchored for the program, and rushed down the stage, to my friends.

"Okay....... just after this, it's your turn to go on the stage....." I told them.

"They are singing bloody One Direction!" Aarushi sobbed beside the boys, who only rolled their eyes and nodded their heads at my words.

"Be careful......" I lightly added as the three of them hurtled backstage.


The auditorium's lights were dimmed, and I fidgeted in my seat with anticipation. The dance started eventually and my friends came waltzing onto the stage. I closed my eyes and breathed in a sigh of relief....at least they didn't stumble...... 

I kept my eyes trained on them, as they continued to execute the practiced steps. The part with coupling also, was done meticulously and effortlessly....... thanks to Chopra and Vaidehi's patch up. The performance was now nearing the end. I prayed that Chopra would take my advice and restrain from doing the stunt but turns out.......he chose not to.

Akshat slid across the stage, with his knee caps on. Phew! Atleast someone knows something...... Aarushi lightly smiled as she found my scrutinizing eyes, from the stage and just then Chopra decided to lurch forward in a cartwheel.

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