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So it's been a few days since we came from our school picnic and life has been the absolute best.

I've never felt happier in my life. It's not like anything has changed , really.
I'm sure all of us still have the struggles , I still have the weak moments. I still wanna run away somewhere when things get out of hands.

But the only difference now is that I never want to run away to symbolic peace mountains. I want to run away to their chaos.

Absolute bliss is when I'm with them. It's like all of my worries shimmer away because of some silly jokes from their side.

If I could fly by one direction sounds relatable.

God you're sappy.

Hey at least let me be sappy inside my head.

Yeah whatever.

Anyways , right now I'm in my room doing a weird headstand that is not a headstand but looks like a headstand.


Not again.

"What?!" I shout back to my mum.

"Tara is calling you...come and answer her." She shouts from the kitchen.

Let it ring. I don't have the energy to answer her at this moment.

Yep that's the spirit. I'm not answering her. She can go fuck herself at this point I don't care.

"I'm coming!!" I shout back against my will and get up to answer the phone.

"Guess what happened?!" She shrieks from the other side when I get to the phone.

"What?" I ask , trying to match the energy.

"I think Akshat likes me...he even told me today." She gushes from the other side.

"Akshat rastogi?" I ask her.

"Yes!!" She squeals.

"Ok..go on. Tell me everything about it , you know you have to." I fake excitement , adding the last statement to make her feel appreciated.

"Of course I will! That's what best friends are for."



"What's that?" I ask Aditya as I look down at his wrist. He looks down at the blue band sitting on his wrist and tugs his sleeve to cover it.

"It's the friendship band you gave me. Jeez I thought you would recognize it."


"Well duh. I did recognize it. Why are you still wearing it? I gave it to you weeks ago." I ask , laughing.

"Just didn't feel like taking it off." He says dismissively.

How sweet.

I smile down at him and look towards Yami now trying to get her tiffin back from Akshat who looked like he was having too much fun annoying her.

"Would you two ever stop?" I say , laughing yet again at how red Yami looked.

"I would stop if he stopped being a douchebag."

"God what even is a douchebag?" Akshat asks innocently , balancing Yami's tiffin out of her reach.

"It's someone who is annoying and stupid and won't listen to anyone!! So basically, it's you." Yami says , a hint of laughter in her voice now. I turn towards my tiffin to eat the sandwiches my mum sent me and notice that it's gone.

And the next second I see Akshat balancing two tiffins with one hand and I sigh. He really has a death wish. Me and Yami look at each other and telepathically communicate to chase him through hell and back for our food.

Aditya joins Akshat on his team and now it really is a game of Tom and Jerry. These people annoy the crap out of me.

But I couldn't be happier.


And pain gets haaarddd
But now you're here
And I don't feel a thing.

I'm sorry I just had to , that songs does things to me no one ever could.


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