Found You!

51 4 26

Written by: theoptimist24

Yami's POV:

I have been avoiding them and they know it. 

Ever since that eavesdropped conversation I am trying to stay away from the trio, as much as possible. I thought that if they don't like my company, why should I give them the pains of welcoming my existence. Except, that is not the reason I am avoiding them......

Do they seriously expect me to hangout with them, when Chopra just called me a bitch few days ago?! I feel humiliated! No one calls me such things!! That is a rule!! 

Anyways, I have been leaving notes from the maths class, for Aarushi and Akshat ( yeah, I hate my heart sometimes.....) partially because I promised and partially because its not their fault.....

If you are wondering about Mr. Chopra...... well he can fail, and it won't affect me! 

Currently, I am rushing towards my class after eating my lunch, 'ALONE' at the cafeteria. God loves it when I feel sorry for myself............ apparently he loves it so much, that he ends up making me more sorry for myself. 

Just as I turn around a corner, I bump into Vaidehi.......and just my luck Chopra is with her....

"Hey, Yami! Don't see you around much, these days" Vaidehi beams at me.

I smile softly and reply.

"Well....there are classes, rehearsals, competitions.....I barely have time to breathe..." I laugh.

"Yeah...... she is so busy, that she hasn't been able to give me notes from our maths class...." Chopra tells Vaidehi with a malignant smile, obviously directed towards me. I roll my eyes.

"Oh honey! ......Yami please do give him the notes.....I don't want my fool to fail...." She says.

I cringe a bit.....and am about to reply when, the bell rings.

"Uh oh, I must go now..... I love you sweety..." She says to Chopra as she scurries away.

At this point, I am not even sure whether I want to laugh or gag.

"So......." He starts after she leaves. Right, I have to leave.

"Nothing......I will give you your notes.... goodbye" I say and walk past him.

However he stops me, by holding my hand. I slap his hand hard.....and say.

"Don't you have a girlfriend?" 

"Jeez......dreamer, not like I would ever want to date you" He says.

"Uh huh..... point noted" I tell him and dash off towards our class before he asks me something.

It's not like I can do much now. I have been avoiding them, for days. I can't suddenly just talk to him without providing an explanation. Chopra, seems to have other plans though......

"Why are you avoiding us?!" He shouts across the hall. Okay, he is a certified fool now! I scramble back to where he is standing.

"Shut up, idiot!" I yell at him.

" Answer my question!" He retorts.

"Fine!.......You called me a bitch" I whispered the last part.


"I don't like being called that....." I facepalm at his cluelessness.

"You shouldn't have eavesdropped then........... everyone in this school calls you a bitch" he says.

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