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Random thought but so true ^^^^

Written by:itsaayushi6676

My mind was trained on the havoc that was created earlier but right now I was looking at Yami with tears leaking out of her eyes. Aditya standing awkwardly trying to soothe her and Akshat being the caring guy he is.

She had gone to talk to Vaidehi a while earlier...I'll have to ask her what happened afterwards but right now she was crying because of us.

"I know I don't mean much to you all.........but promise me.......if you ever choose between your friends and lover..............only choose the ones that make you happy........... not the ones who make you feel included........" She said between her tears

"I can't say no to a damsel in distress........... now stop crying will you?" Aditya joked and I cracked a smile at that.

The rest of the day went fairly smooth , Aditya was ignoring his girlfriend..or ex girlfriend? I don't really know..and he was always around us.


It was our lunch break and I was so sure that Tara would be coming to take me back to the hellhole.

"Listen here you three. Tell Tara that I have already left and you don't where I am. I'll be hiding under the desks.

"What?" Yami asked quizzically. She was much better now after her crying fit.

"She's coming here and I don't wanna go with her. I want to spend time with you all. So do what I say." I said hurriedly.

"But why-"

" There she is. Just do it." I said as I saw Tara coming towards the room as I decked under the seats.

Oh my god , that was so close.

I could see her feet through the seats and I prayed that she was not able to see me.  That would be so hard to explain.

There was some more mutterings that I was not able until I saw her feet disappear.

"Mind explaining what happened over here? And why you made us all turn into liars?" Akshat asked.

"Don't act so innocent. It's not like you have never lied."

"Your point being? Tell us the reason , stop dodging the question." Aditya said.

"I just wanted to eat lunch with you all and if she saw me then she would have taken me away with her. And frankly , I like it better here." I said , nonchalantly.

Yami looked like she was overwhelmed by something. I put a hand on her shoulder.

"Are you alright?"I asked her.

She nodded her head and we spent the rest of lunch break together , laughing and teasing each other. It was like we didn't have a problem in the world , but everyone knows that it's far from that.

But just live in the moment , yeah?


I was walking towards the school gate alone. Alone because all the others had their guardians waiting at different school doors than mine.
And honestly , I needed some time alone. I mean....I love their company. It's been so long since I've felt this happy and laughed so much. But everyone needs a breather.
Maybe not everyone but I sure do.

I saw a senior of mine standing at the gate. What was her name again?
Shambhavi? Kavya? I always forget it , damn.

I settled for the best "Hey di!"

She turned her head towards me and soon we were talking. I have this charm in myself to always keep myself entertained.
People tend to like me in general.

I was smiling at her bad impressions of our teachers when my mumfinally decided to show up , seeing as my brother had skipped school today.

"Hello!" She said , always the enthusiastic.
"You don't wanna come and stay here with her? I'd like that."  She said , jokingly.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed her upper arm.
"Alright , let's go." I said while waving a bye to my senior whose name I still don't know. She waved right back.


The day had gone fairly well....I was right now studying , or trying to study. Either way , a ring woke me up from my daydreaming. I picked up my phone without reading who it was.

Big mistake there.

"Heyyy..." I drawled out , not really caring who was over the other line.

"Where were you during the lunch break?"


Not this fuckery again.

"I was with our class teacher. She was talking to me about my part in the class presentation. Just basic boring stuff." I told her.

Look , I love Tara but right now I am in the middle of my daydream. Absolutely no one disturbs me during this.

"Oh well...anyway today Akshat was flirting with me and gosh.." That got my attention.

"Akshat who?" I asked , knowing I had heard her wrong because there is no way Akshat was flirting with her. They don't even know each other..or do they?

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