Why are we friends?!

10 2 14

Written by: @theoptimist24

Yami's POV:

The thing with giving people what they want is....... you can take whatever you want from them, when the need arises, without offending them. Tara's regular absence had made quite the impact on our dance practices...... and so we needed a new leader. Now in normal circumstances, there would be one student who would direct the practices.....but since I and Suhani , both qualify for the job......we decided to split it. Well I decided to split it.......but that's unimportant.

The thing is......I make decisions, I teach the dance and I control the working time of our friends..... while she gets to take the credit and compose steps. I think that's fair on both our parts besides.......I know how to get work done.

However, a little problem arose......... that being Tara's return.....  

So right now, I am trying to adjust her to the new scenario...

"I am the lead! I make the steps! You can't do anything without asking me....." She shouts.

"Well........we would have asked you...... Sir is the true composer........ and nothing remains where you left it....." I explained while trying to hold my anger in.

"I don't care!" She whined.

"Then why should we care?!" I exclaimed abruptly unable to hold myself anymore.

The stomping of feet stopped as 7 people turned around to take in the scene.

"You all turn around one time more...... and I am cancelling the 5 minutes break!" I shouted out at the small audience.

They got back to their work immediately as I tried to console a fuming Tara.....

"Listen......no one has taken your job......you are still the centre of the stage and everyone contributes in the finalization of steps.....you can too...... infact the only thing I and Suhani are doing is teaching them the steps.......... the other things are being managed by Sir...." I explained.

"Fine!" She smiled tightly and walked away from me.

I sighed. She really hates me.....oh well! I hate her too...


"And it's like........a left stomp which is one, then a right stomp which is two....... then you go with your left heel, right stomp , left stomp....... and that is one-two-three......" 

I am explaining a step right now...... and judging by my student's faces it's quite difficult.

"Hey......Yami" Akshat calls me.

"Yeah?" I raise my brows.

"Can I and Aditya take a break?" He continues.

"And why specifically you both?" I ask.

"Because you know.......we are boys......... We play sports too........." Chopra started just then, and trust me he is better silent.

"What?" I asked with some disbelief.

"Yeah...... exactly.......there is no boy or girl here......" Aarushi joined me from behind.

"Well......" Akshat pointed towards Tara and started to explain.

"No...... seriously......no!" Aarushi interrupted before he could begin.

"I think all of us deserve a break........" I negotiated.

"Except you both....." I added as I took in the guys' smug smiles regarding my previous declaration.

"We just returned from playing football!" Chopra reasoned.

"That was your call!...... besides Raina and Vaidehi don't seem to have that problem!" I told him.

It was a big mistake ! Considering Chopra and Vaidehi had just broke up yesterday.......... And Aarushi and Akshat's looks were enough for me to realize my fault.

"You just can't stop hating me, can you?" Chopra pushed Akshat aside as he stood directly in front of me.

"You just can't stop being a sorry-vain-stuckup-stud can you.....?" I retaliated on impulse.

"You know what?!... It's all your fault! The break up.....the drama.....the crying!" He continued.

"You change your opinions too fast........ chameleon!" I shot back. No  I won't back away when he is being an asshole.

"Guys! Slow down......" Aarushi groaned.

"No I won't !......" He exclaimed loudly and once again the whole dance room turned towards us.

"You both are my friends first........ and you see it...... don't you?....... this girl has the audacity to ruin my life and then make herself my friend.......You bitch!" He directed the last part towards me.

"There is no friends first....... and Aditya you are really being pointless right now.......... The problems that surfaced up weren't hers......they were yours!....... and your girlfriend doesn't realize that.......but you did......... and you told Yami it wasn't her fault!" Aarushi came to my aid, and honestly I was surprised.

Vaidehi dashed out of the room with Raina hot on her heels right then...... and Chopra just gave me a glare.....as he replied to Aarushi.

"I get it......you just can't stand anyone being in love!" 

And with that he walked off...... somewhere.

Aarushi grunted lightly then smiled at me.....I could see Chopra had cut open some old wounds within her.

I sighed......... this wasn't how I wanted things to be......

"So........" Akshat started.

"Yes......I think you should go after him." Aarushi cut him off with a sigh as  the bell rung twice.

Suhani gave me a light smile and hurried past, Shreshttha looked around confusedly before deciding to leave too, only me and Aarushi remained now.......or so I thought.

"Aarushi......... let's go eat lunch....." Tara stopped before Aarushi and asked with an awkward cheer.

"I want to eat......with Akshat, Aditya and Yami today....." She breathed out and I looked up a bit shocked.

"Well....they aren't here" Tara pointed out.

"Yami is.........I think I will pass Tara...... enjoy with your boyfriend!" Aarushi said .

"That I will...." Tara replied warmly yet warily and rushed off.

"I am sorry!" I said as soon as Tara's  figure disappeared.

"Well.....it was your fault......a little bit....... but I think you would be too perfect if you didn't make mistakes..." She joked.

"Of course.... " I answered unsurely, as Chopra's allegations repeated in my mind.

"Although I think you should talk to him......" I added guiltily.

"That I will.... " She smiled lightly at me as we left for our class.... 

I can see the influence of Tara on her......... and I can still hear Chopra's voice inside my head.

I wonder why this guy gets to me.........


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