Paint a picture......

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Written by: theoptimist24

Yami's POV:

The first thing I did after learning about the break up was bang my head on the nearest wall. The second thing I remember doing is consoling Aditya and the last thing I remember is being assured by Akshat that no one would blame me for it.

It's been one week since the founder's day fiasco........ and now I am being called the 'Breakup Planner' everywhere. I don't mind it.......I really don't mind it..........Of course I do!

It's to the point that people who are in relationships refuse to talk to me......... and to top it all Vaidehi has been following me around literally everywhere.......

Since I am now done with people being mean........I can finally start with my own brain. Let me give you a piece of advice........... don't try to find people like your fictional crushes.......... because when you find them you won't like who they are. 

So yeah......... that's what my brain has been troubling me with. It thinks I lke a guy, who wears spectacles, has cloud like hair, has brown eyes (I don't even regret it), is one of the most idiotic people I've ever met but he is such a great person and he listens to me........

And I would have told you more about him had Vaidehi not decided to lunge out from beside me.

"Hey Yami!" She said with fake glee.

"Hi....." I calmly said already aware of the questions that would rain down on me.

"I have been trying to ask you something......... but I didn't get the time" she said, trying to sound as nice as me. That's not one can talk as nicely as me.

"Of course....." I smiled like the Cheshire cat.

"So........... usually I and Aditya patch up after a day or two of the break up....... but this time he seems adamant at his decision" she rolled out her best weapon.

"I can't say anything about that........ but I am sorry" I answered naively.

"Why did you ask him to break up with me?" She asked.

"I didn't ask him.......I advised him........ that too in a way I have given you the same suggestion many times........ it's his decision...... and you have to live with the fact that you both aren't perfect for each other." I said ,a bit annoyed now.

"Okay......" She sighed letting me go as I closed my eyes. Why am I acting like such a bitch?! 

You know it..

No, I don't........ and I had really started to think you had left for good...

I am your conscience........I tell you what is right..

Going after a guy who just broke up isn't right....

Who says you have to go after him......

Oh no! No, no, no.......

Come on, you do feel good around him...... what's in accepting the obvious...


You remember when he hugged you......

I do! But I wish I did not!

And he listened to you......... not to Aarushi, not to Akshat, you!

I get your point but......

Just take the can like him..

I can't......

You are perfect for him.......

Maybe I am!

Here we go again........falling for my hate/love friend.......

Aditya Chopra........


The best thing about art class is that we don't do anything art related there. Normally I do enjoy lounging about and playing "Would you rather"........ but today I have greater things on my mind....... like calculating my percentage and getting Mr. Chopra out of my head.

I sighed, as I walked towards the art room with Aarushi.

"Everything fine?" She asked.

"Yeah...... totally!" I smiled.

"Hey! Girls! Wait up!" Came the voice of the idiot.

I literally jumped in my place as he ran towards us with Akshat on his trail. Get a hold of yourself Yami!

I calmed my racing heartbeat a bit as the three of us made our way to the art room. 

The room was the same as always....... littered and unorganised. I can't stand it! I shook my head disapprovingly and tried to walk past the mess without expressing my dissatisfaction.

Our respective seats were thankfully clean though as I settled down between Aditya and Aarushi.

Talk about getting over him........I sat there staring at his perfect hair for seemingly forever while we played "Would you rather"........

I can't do it.......

I don't care if I fell for him now.......

I can't deny it........

Ugh!!!!! I like him......


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