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It's someone's birthday ...whose?

Oh yes!!!! It's @theoptimist24's birthday.

Happy birthday again!!!🎊🎊🎊

Gift here ♡♡


Written by -itsaayushi6676

Arushi's POV :

The class presentation had been postponed again. This time for the Green Day. Not gonna lie , this was the first time I was actually excited about the green day. This was because I was also participating in it. I was in the dance with Aditya and Akshat. Three of us had formed a trio without Vidushi and it was much better because now we three were free from her tantrums and drama. I liked these two boys. They were fun and very stupid so I had a great time.

Of course , we all had lunch without each other but with our older friends. And so , lunch break became my most dreaded part of the day. Being in Tara's company was straining. Apparently there was this new guy named Atharv in her classes that had taken interest in her and though she said that she wasn't interested , I could tell that she was planning a game. Well I couldn't blame her...games are fun especially playing with the players.

Anyway , I was having the best time of my life with these guys and our dance practices of both the green day and class presentation.

Me , Aditya and Akshat were walking to our computer class.

"So how are things between you and Vaidehi?" I asked Aditya. He never really talked about his relationship but I could tell he was happy.

"Yeah it's all good. She's great." He said while smiling.

"She better be. Hey you know five people asked him out on the same fucking day?" I said , directing my words towards Akshat.

"No ..what really?" Akshat asked chuckling.

"Yup. He came to me listing out his options and asking me which one would be best for him.

"Yeah yeah. I just needed some help " Aditya mumbled while we continued walking.

I gave him a look.

" So anyway , he listed out his options and I chose Vaidehi so technically , the credit of this relationship between them goes to me. You thank me right now Mr. Chopra!" I said raising my voice a bit towards the end.

He smiled a full smile showing his crooked teeth.

"Thankyou Akhilesh Yadav." He said while laughing.

I groaned. "Goddd , having same sur names doesn't make me related to any random politician. At least crack better jokes."

"Sure Akhilesh Yadav." Akshat said beside me.

"You two are hopeless." I said faking a sad face.

"We know!" They replied in unison and we all laughed.


We were now in the dance room and I've only been coming in here for a month but it already felt like home to me.

We had a bit of banter here and there before Tara walked in. Bloody hell , here we go again. She came to me and made small talk before pulling me towards Yami. What for? I don't fucking know.

"I wonder if you have met my bestie over here ?" She said while smirking at Yami.

We're in the same class.

Duh woman.

"Yeah.....kinda hard not to know her as she studies in my class." She says sarcastically.

"Well....she unlike you is a great friend" Tara said to her. That really wasn't needed. Yami did the right thing by telling on Vidushi. If she didn't , Aditya would've been on fault and I wouldn't have liked that at all.

"Then why don't you yourself, take lessons from her" Yami comments off handedly.

Damn woman

I know Tara and Yami were kind of friends last year but that didn't last long.

"What did you just say?!" Tara exclaims while I widen my eyes at her outburst.
Yami excuses herself while Tara turns to me " Fuck I hate her." She says seething.
I just make an exasperated face.

"Honestly , get over yourself and do something." I tell her and walk over to Aditya who waving over for me.


Our dance teacher had just left for some school meeting and Tara was responsible to teach us the steps ahead because she had already performed the dance we were supposed to do on the green day in the private dance academy.

Right now , Tara was passing comments over Yami's dance steps and looks.

"No offense....but with that face even the floor will reject you." she says as another round of giggles echoes throughout the room.

When people start criticizing you for your looks , you should know that they can't find a flaw in you and that's when you know that you've won.

Aditya , Akshat and me weren't so amused by this. I was about to say something when Yami's voice cut mine.

"You know what.......not everyone here is a slut, trying to impress some guy. Aaand....before you even talk about my flaws......stop assuming that you are the finest being that ever walked on this planet. So what if I betrayed Vidushi........at least I am not forcing people to be my friend." She said , as Tara only smirked. Sometimes , I don't like her that much.

And what does Yami mean by 'betraying'? That's some high level exaggeration.

"And wait.....do you want me to point out your flaws......cause if I start I won't finish" She continues

"Look who's talking......the envious bitch!" Tara exclaims with some spite.

"Enough!" I shout and pull Tara out of the scene.

"Are you completely insane?!" I whisper to her.

"She started it." Tara exclaims while I roll my eyes.

"No she didn't and you know it. We're all a team here and please remember that. Passing comments on looks is very low Tara ...honestly." I tell her. She looks down for a minute and then looks up at me.

"I'm sorry..I just...I don't know. I'm really sorry." She said while looking up at me.

I smiled at the girl that was my friend from the last 8 years.

"I know you are." I said and hugged her and we continued our practices.


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