Cupid screwed up

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Written by :itsaayushi6676

The thing about watching her storm out of the auditorium with 50 people after her trying to console her made me feel that I was the one at fault. That it's my fault of being friends with someone. That it's me who should stop coming 'in between' them. It's my fault. It always is.

'When you blame others , you give up your power to grow.'

'When you blame and criticize others , you are avoiding some truth about yourself.'

It was my turn to go up on the stage. I collected myself. My hands were shaking. My mind was clouded and my eyes felt heavy. With anger towards them or self hatred? You decide.

I went up on the stage and took a deep breath. I looked above and saw my teachers watching me expectantly , waiting for me to say my part.

You're stronger than some weak ass framing bitch. Stop fretting over people who are not worth a single penny.

Even though she's not that significant , she has a role in my life.

Yeah , she makes it more annoying and hectic. Just like now , like everyday. Just stop.

I can't.

The inner battle inside my head did not affect my speech. I was definitely not surprised by this , I've been hiding for a long time. My teacher was impressed by my part , using me as an example.

"The rest of you need to smile a bit more. Please maintain some vibrancy on your face. No one has died children." She said to the others.

Dying. Just what I needed to think about.

"Arushi , you did very well with your part. You can go." My teacher smiled at me sweetly. I smiled right back at her and muttered a small thankyou out of courtesy.

I walked out off the stage , rubbing my hands together to stop them from shaking and taking a few breaths to calm my beating heart.

Why the fuck do you feel so much ?

I'm a prostitute of feelings.

So show it to others.

Yeah , right.

I made my way towards the seats that had filled me with contentment when I was last sitting on them and I saw someone else sitting on them.

" you mind getting up." I asked him , trying to keep my voice as calm as I can.

"Just wait a few minutes....." He replied unheedingly.

How wonderful , not a single care in the world. You're just sitting here laughing and enjoying school with your friends. As you should , honestly. You deserve it. Everyone deserves it.

Except you.

"No.....I want my seat back right now!" I raised my voice a bit , trying very hard not to lash out on someone who doesn't know what's happening but can still be a help if he tries.

"Aarushi...... it's just two minutes...." Akshat argues with me.

The world wants to die.

But everyone knows you're not killing them.

"I need to go to the washroom......... Aarushi mind coming with me........." Yami says to me. I look at her and consider her offer. Getting out of this hellhole filled with people laughing and talking does sound alluring.


I make my way towards the auditorium , still a bit sceptic about confronting them. If I just let this go , it'll be over and done with. Making a big deal out of this will do no good to any of us. I recall Yami's words.

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