Hello Heartbreaker

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Written by :itsaayushi6676

"Hello heartbreaker"

"I swear to god Aditya , I'm gonna kill you if you call me that one more time." I told him while continuing with my work.

He plopped down next to me and started doing what he does best: annoy me.

"You know he really was heartbroken when you rejected him." He said while putting emphasis on 'heartbroken'.

"No , he wasn't. He was just a stupid boy fascinated by the foolish concept of love that he took from stupid clichè movies and tried to implement in his own life. He wanted a screen life and chose the girl that was closest to him because he thought that she would give him that. He was not in love with me. It could be a stupid crush but that's all it was , and crushes don't break your heart. If you're trying to show that your heart is broken by a crush , then you're basically being a functional attention seeker that needs help." I tried to show our dear Aditya Chopra some light.

"He was sobbing under that tree and you were playing bloody dodgeball in front of him while laughing with your friends." Aditya exclaimed.

"Yes , I was." I agreed.
"Because I knew that he wasn't actually broken or shit , he was just putting up an act." I said while continuing my history work.

"You two used to be best friends and you just let him go without batting an eyelash and being so cruel. Even if it was an 'act' for you , it didn't hurt you in anyway that he was crying his lungs out?"

If only you knew.

"No , it didn't. I simply don't care about the boys after me. Yes , we had some good laughs for a few years and were friends but that doesn't mean I'll wreck my peace for a few functional tears of his."

Aditya looked like he would burst any minute from frustration and was trying very hard to remain calm.

"B-but he was your friend!" He finally burst.
"How could you just not care about him and get on with your life? Only reason being that he liked you and you didn't like him back? Fuck! He even said he loved you! What if that was true and not some stupid clichè screen shit that you talk about?" He said in a slightly high voice now standing up and towering over my homework and me.

I took a deep breath and looked at him , ignoring the stares coming from my classmates who were eating their lunch , not fighting with their best friend over some guy that left school a year ago.

"Why the fuck do you care? That happened even before I met you so you have no right to be angry or in anyway upset about it. Okay , I agree that you knew him and was sort of friends with him but that doesn't give you any right to shove it down my throat. You were very happy listening to how I rejected him at the beginning of the year , what's changed? You have a girlfriend that didn't break your heart so be thankful about it and leave me the fuck alone." I muttered while looking up at him with frustrated eyes , irritated at him because of the new topic that had sprung inside him god knows why.

'I..not-nothing happened..I ..ju-just.." He stuttered while avoiding eye contact. Just when I was sure he was gonna form a coherent sentence Vaidehi came in sight with her squad.

"Hey Aditya!" She said while coming towards Aditya and sweetly smiling at him ending our conversation. His expressions quickly changed as he looked at her.

"Hi." He said sheepishly while his cheeks turned red.

Why the fuck is he blushing? They've been together for almost a year. C'mon.

"Hi Vaidehi." I greeted her as she looked at my history mess.

"Why are you doing history? You should be eating." She said.

"I know but we have our history class next and I forgot to do it and I'll definitely be in trouble if I don't turn it in." I groaned while searching for the answers. She looked at me sympathetically and then turned around and then dashed out of the class.

Aditya called out her name but she didn't turn back. Vaidehi's squad just waited outside our classroom as always.

"Is she high?" Aditya asked me.

"You were the one gazing into her eyes , you should know." I responded.

She came back after a few seconds with a notebook in her hand.

"I have completed this work. It would save you a lot of time if you just copied it." She said while panting because of the running from one class to another.

"Oh my god thankyou so much! This would actually save me time." I exclaimed in delight.

"No problem." She replied and then mentioned Aditya to follow her. Aditya looked at me and then her with conflicted eyes and then followed her along.

"Get back to work Arushi." I mumbled to myself still a bit annoyed at Aditya's foolish argument.

Thank god Tara is absent today. I would've never got this work complete if she was here.


The day passed smoothly after that. Aditya and I came to a silent agreement to not fight again for the sake of Akshat.

He told me that he and Vaidehi bumped into Yami during lunch and he might have got into an argument with her.

"What do you mean 'might have' , it's either that you got in an argument or you didn't?"Akshat said while copying down math solutions from the board not caring to keep his voice slow as our maths teacher was hardly the one to know how to keep a class quiet or to scold them.

"Exactly." I agreed with him. "What happened?" I said leaning towards both of their seats and ignoring my seat partner.

"We bumped into each other , I asked her for our maths notes and then asked her as to why she has been avoiding us." Aditya continued with his story.

"She has been avoiding us?" I asked them confusedly.

"Yes genius , keep up." Akshat said irritably.

"Heyyy" I whine as Aditya chuckled.

"Yeah , so as I was saying. She has been avoiding us because I called her a bitch at the practices which we had at the auditorium." Aditya told us.

She did look pretty hurt by that.

"So are you gonna apologize to her?" I asked him. He looked at me like I had grown an extra head.

"Do you even know me?" He asked me with a scoff. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh yeah , that's right. I forgot King Chopra doesn't apologize to people." I mocked him.

The bell rang signalling the end of maths and I got up to go to the dance room.

I was taking off my shoes when Akshat and Aditya asked me to tell sir that they won't come to the dance room as they have football practices.

"But I'll be bored out of my mind without you two." I whined yet again.

"Miss us then." They said in unison as they walked away.

I huffed and made my way towards the dance room.



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