Tricks...I guess?

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Written by:itsaayushi6676

Aditya's breakup came as a bit of shock to those who knew us. Not because people thought he and Vaidehi were meant to be or something , just because no one expected him to stand up to her. Now no one perceived him as a coward or a dog in a leash to her but he had a nature of staying out "trouble" , no matter the price.

Obviously Vaidehi was trying very hard to not treat us any differently by talking and laughing with us. But then again , inner feelings can never be hidden. She had tried to ask Yami to tell her what she told to Aditya so than she can get peace with herself. People who are pretending to be in "love" in middle school make me wanna puke my guts out.

Right now , we were in our class with our school bags loaded with just food.
Why? Because we had our school picnic and each one of us was in great spirits. It has been almost a month since Aditya's breakup. He is in much better spirits than he was when he was in a relationship.

"What is that in your bag Akshat?" Our class teacher asked Akshat who had all of his cricket equipments.

"Ma'am , n-nothing just some cricket stuff." He stuttered as our teacher came on towards him and started opening his bag.

"All of this is not allowed in that spot so I'll have to confiscate it." She said with a strict glare on her face. Akshat had different expressions on his face , he was trying to come up with an argument but also showing utter amusement and distress on his face altogether.

What a sight!

Of course no one will be to win with the teacher. So he sat back down with a defeated sigh and started expressing his discontentment over our way to the buses.

"It's like she doesn't trust us...we're great students and I'm not going to bang heads of others with my bat." He huffed with an aggressive head shake.

"Yeah ... really sucks bro." Aditya said , flinging an arm over Akshat as he continued walking.

Don't you even try with the 'suck'.

I didn't even say anything.

"No , there's no seats for all of you in this bus. You'll have to separate." Our teacher told the boys as we climbed onto the bus.

"Wait what?" Yami said , as she held on my arm and pulled me down again.

This up and down from these 3 stairs is making me exercise.

"What happened ma'am?" Yami said , always the teacher's pet.

"There's no space on your bus and these boys are so stubborn to sit with you two." Our teacher responded. I looked over the boys proudly. They were giving very sour looks to our teacher. I chuckled and diverted my attention towards the conversation happening between my friend and our teacher.

"Ma'am please let them sit with us. It's my promise and responsibility that they will behave themselves. I'll see to it."

"But child-" I blocked out what our teacher was saying as I saw the two idiots trying to sneak in the bus without the staff noticing.

Oh c'mon.

I shifted myself a bit to block out their stupid bodies from our teacher's view.  After I was sure they were securely in the bus , I nudged Yami who was looking at our teacher like she could kill her any minute but was restraining herself.

"What?" She and my teacher turned towards me.

"They're gone." I said.

"What? Both of them looked around to see them but they were gone.

"Ma'am , I think they already climbed up the bus you were telling them to go on since the beginning." I said , in my best acting.
Everyone knows they didn't.

"Yes ma'am , knowing them , they probably got tired of all the wait. Plus we're not that great friends too that they will fight." She said the last part a bit quietly than the rest.

I was smiling from ear to ear and I'm sure my teacher caught on because she just rolled her eyes while smiling herself and hurrying us to the bus.

I entered the bus and saw those idiots sitting in their seats with two seats saved in front of them.

Me and Yami sat down in the empty seats and Aditya literally came into my ear and said in his loudest voice.

"Wanna sing something on the way there?"


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