See you soon.....

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Yami's POV:

It feels like an eternity has passed since the beginning of this session........ and now that it's ending I am almost fully convinced that we'll all grow apart. 

Because that's what always happens, we make friends....we find better people and we move on. This time though... I just don't think I'd find better people than these. We all together.......we fit....... they're the kind of friends you don't find easily......but as always......I don't have any power over them and they are free to leave me whenever they want.....

"So who's the father?" My thoughts were interrupted by the amused voice of Aditya.

"I'm sorry..... what?!" I managed to choke out as he smirked at me and Aarushi and Akshat joined us.

It took me a moment to process his words.

"You!" I shouted at the hysterical duo behind me.

"It was a nightmare!!" I added covering my face that had begun to turn crimson.

"Hello! Oxford Dictionary! What's a nightmare?" Aarushi tapped Akshat's shoulder as he delved into the small dictionary in his hands.

"It says..... that a nightmare is a scary dream...." Akshat responded with a huge smile.

"Don't worry pregnancy is a scary experience...... and leaving that.... it's your dream to get pregnant!!" Aarushi explained.

"What will you name your baby?!" Aditya gushed beside me.

"I am not pregnant! And it's not my dream!.......I just want to have children at the right point of time....  I'm not helping myself am I?" I stopped mid-sentence taking in their smug expressions.

They shrugged in answer to my question.

"You're all unbelievable!!" I groaned slapping my hands onto my face again.....

"Hey...hey... now.... let's not make her cry...." Aditya said trying to remove my hands from my face.

Shut up idiot! I like you too much already!!

"Okay!" Aarushi grabbed my shoulder and strung me along with her as the boys hustled behind us.

"By the birthday is coming up! So! So!....." She started.

"Yes... We're all invited" Akshat offered boredly.

"Be sympathetic Akshat..... it's her birthday.....we did tolerate you for a month before we celebrated your birthday..." I said.

"See... That's why I love her!" Aarushi jumped excitedly.

I laughed.

"So..... what's the theme?" Aditya asked

"What theme?" Aarushi and I questioned at the same time.

"You know..... the theme according to which we have to clothe ourselves...." He explained.

I widened my eyes at his dumbness and Akshat snickered beside me.

"Of course there's that theme Aditya! Why don't you wear leaves to my birthday!!" Aarushi exclaimed sarcasm dripping off her voice.

I almost choked at the thought......I gotta control my imagination power.

"So..... there's no theme?" Aditya asked lightly.

"No stupid....there isn't" I deadpanned as we entered our class.



I muttered a small "congratulations" to our class topper and sighed while looking at my own report card.

Second........I could have done better.

"So.... second rank huh?" Aarushi appeared beside me.

"Yeah...... could have been first..." I answered.

"I think it's more than enough....... your percentage is more than some people get in a lifetime..." She offered with a smile.

"Hmmmm.....I just like to have something constant in my life...... and that's always been my rank for me....." I replied.

"Well...... when you're done crying about a rank you lost by 0.5 marks........... just take time to consider that to me and the boys you are the first...........we all know you're smarter than all these geeks here!" She wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"..... That is something I would want as a constant....." I smiled.

"Well....yes....we're friends.... now and forever! I'm never going to find people better than you all......I love you guys!" She vented.

" You speak my mind.......... although.....see....we have different sections now..... we'll grow apart!" I gave her a reality check.

"I don't think so......I just know that I found incredible people and I'm gonna hold on to them as long as I can....." She sighed facing me.

"I wish the same......" I beamed, a little optimism in my voice.

"Yami! Your Grandfather is here!" Our teacher shouted from the front of the class.

"I have to go now......" I looked at Aarushi as Akshat and Aditya's eyes turned towards towards me.

I turned around, waving them goodbye.... when a wave of reality hit me. 

I swivelled, and hugged Aarushi tight.

"See you soon....." I smiled sadly at her and rushed off.


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