Is there someone?

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Yami's POV:

" You should not complain. You have it better than most"

That is what I tell myself, each time my friends ditch me to stalk some guy. It isn't ditching on their part though, because I am the one who refuses to join them. I find it distasteful, how they force those poor boys to confess their feelings for the girls in our group, only to reject them afterwards. However, I think I find it bad, because I have never had any admirers, myself. Hell! The only reason I was a part of their group was because I had a goody-goody reputation and was supposed to cover for them. 

Until last year, their behaviour seemed fine to me although now, I wasn't so sure. I don't know what was worse.... having no friends or having friends, who treat you like garbage. It wasn't about my popularity, I confess, I was fairly popular and all for the right reasons; It is just teenage psychology I guess, that causes most of us to believe that the wrong things are cool and the right things are boring. I question my sanity too, sometimes. My friends berate me, literally use me, make fun of my appearance yet I defend them when they need me to. I am no goddess ,I admit, but sometimes I can't help but wonder whether I am their friend or their slave.

I shrug off my thoughts ,as I take a seat next to my bench mate.

" are holding on to our deal, right?" I ask him.

"Apparently no.." he whispers.

"Why not?" I furrow my brows.

"Because my friend, who sits next to your friend is absent" he answers.

"You can call someone else to sit with you..." I whisper frantically.

"Well I don't think your friend is too keen on that...." He pointed out towards Vidushi, my friend as he spoke. That's when I  noticed another girl beside her.

"Oh.... well....I didn't know" I said a little embarassedly.

He looked at me shortly then whispered.

" She isn't worth your time"

"I never asked for your opinion!" I snapped.

"Ookay... moving on I will be sitting with golden boy there!"

"Vaidehi's boyfriend?"


"I can't understand, why you would be friends with Aditya Chopra of all, Akshat!" I complained.

" Well the great Yami Rastogi will have to talk to him to understand that..." He countered.

"Whatever....he looks like a pervert"

"Having a girlfriend doesn't make you a pervert...."

" I don't care...."

" Annoying bitch...."

"Shall I call ma'am?"

" Beautiful maiden..." He reframed his sentence.

"You learn fast" I patted him on the back.

"So I was saying...." He continued " that Aarushi would be joining you for maths class"

"That...makes me feel...... enlightened" I muttered sarcastically.

"Thanks" he smiled not catching my sarcasm.

"Why don't you just jump in a well?!" I whisper- shouted.

"Umm..." He started confusedly when a chalk hit the table.

"Mr. Pandey exchange seats with Mr. Chopra now !" Bellowed our history teacher.

"Bye-bye....and sorry" I whispered as he walked past me.

He smiled in return as another smirking boy took the seat next to me.

"Hi" he chirped.

"Bye" I retaliated.

"Have I done something wrong to you?" He asked.

" twisted my hand, remember" I said with fake glee.

" Wasn't that an year ago...." He asked nervously while removing his hand from the table.

"The wounds afresh..... don't worry I won't twist your hand" I answered dryly as the bell rung.

"So I am going..." He said

"My pleasure...." I smirked as he too left to join Akshat. 

I noticed the girl sitting next to Vidushi making her way towards her seat which was sadly preoccupied.

"They said I can sit here" she said while pointing towards the vacant spot, beside me.

I smiled at her and was about to answer when Vidushi decided to be my guest.

" I am sorry Aarushi but the chair's already booked for me" she said sheepishly to the confused girl.

"But where will I sit?" She asked Vidushi.

"There's an empty space at my place, I hope you can manage sitting alone" Vidushi smiled convincingly.

That's when I ruined everything. My big foot in my big mouth!

"I don't think she needs to.." I said.

"Sorry?" Vidushi asked a raised brow.

"I mean it's my place, and I promised Akshat and Chopra that she would sit here........and I like keeping my promise" I explained with a smile.

"Fine!" Vidushi exclaimed while giving me a thin lipped smile as she marched away.

"Thanks....I really don't like sitting alone" said Aarushi.

"No one deserves to sit alone.... besides she deserves it." I said as she took her seat.

However neither of us knew, what all we would face together. 


I am Emotional! @itsaayushi6676 you better write a chapter soon!!

Oh and....


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