But With You.....

12 2 19

Written by: theoptimist24

Happy one day after birthday.....itsaayushi6676!

Hope you enjoy this little birthday farewell gift!


Yami's POV:

The bus came to a halt as our high pitched voices permeated the bus. 

Damn the noisy wind!

Everyone in the bus stared at us as if we had grown two heads..... and I should have cared but I didn't......weirdly I didn't care about what others were thinking because I was having the time of my life.

Me, Aarushi, Aditya and Akshat laughed at the scene and then slowly followed the queue of students who were exiting the bus. The place was grand....or atleast for me.

 "Are you fucking kidding me?!" Akshat gasped from beside me as we entered the resort.

"Language...... and isn't it just a perfect place!" I gushed, looking around at the variety of activities we were provided with....

There's a tennis court..... with a DJ?.....who cares!! There's a horse cart and a Bullock cart too.....huh... and there are sweet little picnic tables.... and swings! 

I can live in this place! I can die in this place! I can be buried in this place..........

Too far......by the way.... where's your dream boy?

Oh yeah!

I turned around to look for Aditya.....

"Looking for someone?" Aarushi asked appearing from behind me.

"Yeah......was looking for you and Aditya...."  I told her.

"He's looking for his jacket......it seemingly vanished!" Aarushi said shouting the last part to let Aditya hear her.

"Hey! I didn't lose it!......" Aditya popped his head out from the now vacant bus.

"You know I can write a rap on that......" Akshat interrupted him.

"I am proud of your abilities....." I consoled him sarcastically.

"And you! Get out from the bus...... who were you sitting next to?" I asked Aditya as Akshat and Aarushi snatched his bag and started searching for the jacket.

"Ummmm......you guys!" He answered.

I slapped his head....

"Someone else.........?" I elaborated my question.

"Oh right! Umm....I didn't notice!" He snapped.

"Oh come on! Can you both not fight......" Aarushi groaned.

"Let them do it! We can eat his lunch till then....." Akshat smirked holding Aditya's specially prepared lunch in his hands.

"Fine! Doesn't change the fact that I don't remember......" Aditya started snatching the tiffin from Akshat's hands.

" Okay leprechaun! Atleast try to remember!" I countered.

"I'll try my best......." He said distastefully. 

Why do I like him, again?

"Aarushi, Akshat, Leprechaun......you three go get your things settled..... I'll look for the jacket till then...." I sighed.

"And the woman gets to boss us around!" Aditya snarled.

"Okay...... idiot........ You shut up now! Or I'll tear your jacket if we ever find it!" Aarushi pulled the two boys with her whilst giving them a deathly glare.

"Thank you!!" I shouted as they went past me.

Now where do I find the jacket?


"Told ya I would find it!" I smirked.

"How......." Aditya scrunched up his face in confusion as he snatched the jacket from my hands.

"Later now........ can't we go and dance crazy for a while?!" I whined.

"I'm coming........... sometimes I feel as if I am around too much testosterone..." Aarushi joined me as we rushed to the dance floor.

This is gonna be fun!


"We've been dancing for two hours!!" I screamed through the loud music.

"Does it look like I care?!" Aarushi shouted back.

"Where are the boys though?!" I asked.

" I don't give a shit!!" She answered.

"Language!" I corrected her.

"Okay..... I'm hungry...." She said suddenly.

"Let's go then..." I pulled her along as we jumped down from the dance floor.

"You want chips?"




"A banana....."

"Yeah..... just give me the chips!" Aarushi concluded as we walked past people while munching on the chips.

"Hey.....you like swings?" Aarushi asked abruptly.

"Wouldn't it be weird if I didn't....." I answered.

"So you do?"

"Yup I do!"

"Okay then, let's get on top of the world" She said pulling me onto a bench swing.

"Wait but who'll push the swing?" I asked eating five chips at once.

"Wait.........hey! Tall guy!" Aarushi hollered at some guy.

"Oh! I know you!...... please push the swing" I said.

"Yeah..... what she said..." Aarushi smiled at the guy.

"Do I have a say in this?" He asked.

"Nope!" We both said simultaneously.


"Ice cream!!"  I gasped whole heartedly.....as I saw what the organisation was giving us as we went back school.

"Yay!!!!!" Aarushi practically lunged at me.

"Can we take two?" I asked the distributor.

"No....." The said person gave me a weird look as I and Aarushi stumbled into the bus.

"We didn't get any ice cream......" The boys hollered gazing at the ones in our hands.

I looked at Aarushi....half heartedly......

She shrugged her shoulders giving Akshat her ice cream.

Oh no! I can't even say no to this guy.....

"Fine!" I gave Aditya the ice cream as he tapped my nose.

My mind's going to repeat that for an eternity.....


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