Someone To You.....

12 2 14

Written by: theoptimist24

Yami's POV:

What does one do after working hard? 

Exactly! They that's what we are doing after 2 hours of rugged dance practice. 'We' here being me and Aarushi, since Akshat is off somewhere and Chopra is clinging to his girlfriend.

It's really frustrating though....... the never ending number of programs our school hosts. Just a week ago we had finished with the class presentation and now we are preparing for the founder's day. Trust me...... studying is only one fourth of what we do in school.

Aarushi nudged my arm lightly, waking me from my daydream, as she pointed towards the lovebirds.

"He is smitten with her......." She smiled dreamily at them.

"And you are obsessed with them......." I joked, following her gaze.

"Seriously.......I should be cupid! I am so great at matchmaking........." She clicked her fingers and laughed.

"Oh dear......... love would be synonymous with tragedy then......" I shook my head.

"I take offense to that!" She retaliated.

"It was meant to be offensive......." I pointed out, laughing.

We were interrupted suddenly though, as a senior scooted closer to where we were seated.

"Hey.....Yami" she awkwardly said.

"Hi....didi" I smiled warmly to ease the tension.

"This is Aarushi......" I introduced the devil.

"I am Srishti....." Our senior smiled.

"Hello!" Aarushi chirped.

" and my best friend were just getting bored there...... can we sit with you guys?" Didi said.

"Of course! It's not like we have something to do!" Aarushi replied.

"Okay......." She sighed ushering her best friend towards us.

And then the random talking begun....... it's fairly easy to converse with girls because you know......we have so many things to talk about...... even if it's gossip, guys...... talking is talking!

"So, who set the lovey dovey couple over there....." Our seniors pointed towards Chopra and Vaidehi and said.

"I actually think that guy is too young to be doing all this......I mean..... isn't he your friend?" One of them pointed out.

And suddenly, a wave of discomfort washed over the party. It's so unbelievable, the fact that even the best people can't go without judging someone. I did that before with Chopra, and I am genuinely sorry for judging him like that, but his reputation only seemed to worsen each day. I felt Aarushi's shoulders sag beside me. I could tell she didn't want to talk about that so I did the best thing possible.

"I think that's enough......we should get back to practice!" I grinned and stood up, holding out my hand for my friend on the floor.

The two seniors nodded their heads and rushed off to their business, while Aarushi got up, brushing off the dust on her clothes.

"You know....... his reputation is not your business" I grimaced.

"Yeah, well........ people judge me on that basis...." She said.

"That's sad....... although can be judged by me!" I exclaimed.

"A kickass nerd......who is the only one to score a hundred percent in maths........not sure if I like it" she smirked.

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