You could stay.....

24 3 26

Written by: theoptimist24

Yami's POV:

Have you ever had friends who are not actually your friends, but you all click so well together that you look like you are friends?

Okay..... I have a hard time understanding myself nowadays too. Its just that I have been helping these people lately, and even though I hate to admit it , I love their company. They just have something, that makes me feel wanted.  I know, sounds crazy right.... well I am full of craziness so excuse me.  Right now I am handing out the test schedules to the whole class and I can't help but smile back at those little apes as they practically give me the complete view of their teeth. 'Them' here, being the bamboozled trio of Aarushi, Chopra and Akshat.

They are a fun bunch indeed and since we are almost always together, I figured it wouldn't hurt to get to know them. From what I have learnt about them, is that Aarushi is a sweet little girl, who is very artistic and diplomatic. She tries to keep everyone happy and content and is easy with most situations. 

Chopra is the shy guy , who got a popular girl and he does seem to genuinely like her. He gets awkward very easily, which is easy to point out as his ears turn red when he feels embarrassed. He is a pretty respectful guy, other than which he is a little childish and foolish.

Akshat is the one I am most comfortable with, since I know him from a long time ago, and he is the friendly guy, who is always present when trouble ensues. Apart from that, he rambles too much and has that 'big brother' aura surrounding him that makes everyone feel protected.

Like I said they are all interesting people, if only, I could discover their dark side, I would have them figured out completely. 

Moving on.........I have now distributed the schedules and am going to sit down when our teacher calls me.


"Yes, ma'am" I reply.

"Could you please keep these notebooks in the staff room? Thank you." She smiles at me as though she knows I wouldn't say no.

Yeah....that happens and it's not just with keeping or bringing things, its with ......everything. I am expected to be the perfect ,goody -goody , A-grade student, who never says no. Its always the same.....I am expected to be smart and proper in front of my parents, mature for my teachers and fun for my friends (which I don't have so.....). You see I just don't have time to be myself which is ironic since everyone thinks I have a perfect life. Shrugging my shoulders, I grab the stack of notebooks from the teacher's table and hurry off towards the staff room. 

As I return, I observe a crowd in front of our class. Guess we are going for presentation rehearsals again! 

I hurry towards the crowd and scream.

" Please everyone! Form a line!" 

My teacher smiles at me from inside the class as all the students form a line. They are really being bearable today......I wonder why? 

Anyways I lead the queue outside and towards the auditorium as they chatter behind me. It's not like I am taking over my teacher's responsibility, it's just expected from me....

On reaching the auditorium, all of them take their seats as our teacher comes along with the crowd, separating the goonies from their groups. She points at me suddenly, and leads me to sit between Aarushi, Chopra and Akshat. She then gently whispers in my ear.

"Keep a watch on these three and make sure they don't cause any raucous...." 

I nod my head, albeit excited to sit with people who talk about anything but marks. She rushes off towards the stage as I make my way towards the trio.

"So........" I say awkwardly. Damn! I don't know what to say.

"Hey!" Akshat smiles at me. " Want a seat?" He asks pointing towards an empty chair beside Aarushi. 

I sigh in relief.

"Thanks......was going to ask for it only..." I laugh.

"Well.... join the show! We are playing Truth and Dare" he says as I settle down. 

"Which is essentially non-veg...." Aarushi whispers in my ear.

Okay......not that I don't enjoy talking about crushes, I just don't enjoy making it public knowledge.

I shrug my head to a no.

"I told you....she won't play. She is a nerd." Chopra points out at which he gets a hard jab to his stomach by Aarushi.  I told you.....he is childish. But so am I...

"I don't think so playboy...." I say with a huff.

"Well..... you should think so" he replies with a smirk.

" Nah...I don't want to destroy my brain cells like you have destroyed yours" I say.

Aarushi smirks a little at my comment and Akshat whispers 'Burn!' to Chopra.

I smile lightly as they continue on with their game while Chopra complains about me.

I try to keep my attention away from their game as much as possible, but I can't help but hear a snippet of their conversation. And it was about don't even call me an eavesdropper.

"Aarushi Truth or Dare?" Chopra asks.

"Ummm.... better be safe than sorry.... Truth." She says.

"What do you think of Yami?!" He asks

"She is cool.....I mean I don't know how to describe her. I barely know her..." She trails off.

"Oh god! It's all on the face....She is a nerd..a popular nerd.....and a sassy bitch." Chopra mumbles.

" And you are as prejudiced as her" Akshat says.

"Well....I think people have a good reason to be what they are.....and besides you deserve the bitchiness.." Aarushi laughs at Chopra as they continued on with their game.

I tuned out after that. It hurt.....his comment....but I wish someone would care enough to know the real me like Aarushi said. 

I wish ......

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