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Written by: itsaayushi6676

Aarushi's POV:

The first few weeks of school went by normally.

I would wake up , dress , go to school , then have small talks with my classmates and eat lunch with forced friends.

Forced friends. Have you ever had forced friends? It's the worst , most binding feeling ever. It's like a toxic relationship, the only difference being that there is no real toxicity in it. That friend of mine loves me and truly cares for me and I do too. She'll never do anything to hurt me. She shows her care and love to me in every possible way. She gets jealous when she sees me with other friends. She has called us 'best friends' and I have no choice but to go on with it. I care for her , I truly do. It''s just like anything. Maybe the vibes are not same. I don't know. She really doesn't seem like a person I could trust and rely on although she makes sure to remind me every now and then that she is. It's not the feeling of completeness I need , it's the feeling of not being empty. It's like she wants to mark me as territory and I don't like that one bit. Now that we're in the same classes , it has only worsened.

Anyone that sees me , or looks at me , must always think " Oh! She has a perfect life. She is popular , has boys around her , good in studies , has great friends and family and a perfect life. What else would she want?"

People I can finally open up to? People I can tell things that I am not admitting to you or even myself till this fucking day?

"You're just 13. What problems do you even have huh? Difficult to understand the solar system?"

"Trauma...hahaha ...what trauma could she have? She has the perfect life."

"Play , study , eat and sleep. What else do you need?"

"It must be so incredible , having guys dancing around your feet."

No,no it's not. It's not when you don't want it. It's exhausting and -

"She killed him."

"OKAY STOP!" I shouted to myself in the mirror of the washroom. Thinking about that will lead me nowhere. Absolutely no fucking where. It's gone and it's in the past. I stand in the washroom looking at myself in the mirror for at least five minutes until the bell rings signalling the end of the period.

It's true , I do have a good life. I admit it myself. It's just sometimes..the small percentage of bad just outweighs the huge percentage of good. This was just another episode.

I sigh and exit the washroom walking to my classroom knowing that no one will be there by now. I open the door and see Yami sitting there. Her eyes and nose red her stature crumbled.

She's been crying and I can tell.

That's one thing I love about myself. No one can ever tell that I was crying. I could just wash my face and I'll be good all over again. She , however , is bad at hiding it.

"Uh..are you waiting for someone or something?" I ask pointing towards the door knowing it is better to go slow than just drop the bomb.

"No-ope" Her voice cracks as she answers me.

"Is something wrong?" I ask walking towards her hoping that she would answer me.

"Nothing..I am just on my period and my cramps hurt bad.." She smiles.

Is she insane? She shouldn't have come to school if she had her period. I don't know how girls do that. I need at least a zillion years to pass and recover through my period cramps.

"Then why did you even come at school? You should've rested at home!." I say , trying to be a help but by the plain and unamused look on her face , failing miserably.

"We had a chemistry test today." She says while emphasizing on the today.
So? It's a unit test. I'll miss it for a silly ice cream. What's the big deal?

"" I ask. She just continued to stare at me as though I had committed a murder. That's why my sub conscious stepped in.

"Maybe she is a little serious about her studies unlike you missy."

Yeah , Ms. Sub conscious. You help me a lot.

" is the dance?" She asked me changing the topic.

The dance. The class presentation. Right , I had totally forgotten about that and all the practices happening yesterday until now. It's fun , being in the dance room with the other students and talking , practicing and dancing. Though I do feel a bit left out sometimes even though I know I  am not. But no one needs to  know that right?

"It went quite well..Chopra got paired with his girlfriend. "I tell her chucking a bit as I recall Aditya's flushed face when he was paired with her and everyone started taunting and whistling.

"I hate that guy." She practically spits out her words. I tense right after. There goes his bad reputation reflecting itself onto me once more. I just wish people would stop judging and hating him without even trying to get to know him. It gets to him sometimes, he never shows but I see, it does. And  he has his share of tension from the highly committed relationship he is in anyway.

"I did too." I tell her recalling my hatred towards him and how I believed that my year would be ruined when I found out he was in the same classes before I got to know him.
"But he grows on you ." I tell her , not wanting to push her or cause an argument but still put my point.

"I would love to see that happen." She says in the most sarcastic way ever. I smile at her curtly , not saying anything else as the bell rings. I get up and prepare myself for another boring lunch break between me and my 'best friend' and the boys after her and me.



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