It's life.

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Written by : itsaayushi6676

Aarushi's POV:



That's what life is's always has been. It was the first day at school today and I was late to class and not knowing where my classroom was didn't help one bit. I entered the class and saw that our teacher was already there along with almost all my classmates. I didn't even know the names of some of them.

I looked around to find a seat as my class teacher had asked me to and saw Aditya waving at me.

Thank god he's in this class too. I don't know how I would survive without him here.

I walked to the seat and sat beside him gratefully. What I am not grateful about is that this friend of mine , talks and he talks a lot. I always find that awesome considering you don't have to keep putting efforts with him while talking to him but sometimes his over excited stories get annoying. He's great though. He helped me and was there for me last hell of a year. Most people consider him as the 'playboy' as the school when he's not. He's really not. I had heard and presumed that of him too before I got to know him. He's probably the best guy I have met.

Some classes passed while studying, talking and laughing.

It's a good day.

Or it was a good day until..
"Mr. Pandey exchange seats with Mr.Chopra right now! Bellowed our history teacher.

Damn , the world can't see me happy.

I saw him talking to the curly haired girl as I made my way towards the seat.

I haven't heard much about her. Just that she's really good in studies and a bit annoying and bossy according to my friend , Tara. Looking at Aditya's nervous expression , I could tell she was confident in herself too. I like that.

I saw my seat was occupied by this boy with a bulb shaped head who I don't even know the name of.

"I was sitting here.." I said to him.

"I know ..can you please go and sit there with Yami ..I want to sit here with Chopra." He replied while exaggerately acting innocent.

"No problem. " I smiled and took my things and headed towards the girl while passing Aditya who gave me a grateful smile.

I reached her and put my things.
"They said I can sit here."

Yami was about to reply when a classmate (or friend? I don't know) of mine answered that she was already sitting there.

"Where will I sit then?" I asked with a dry face internally very intimidated god knows why.

"There's an empty space at my place. I hope you can manage sitting alone." Vidushi smiled convincingly.

Oh for fuck's sake! No one likes sitting alone.

I was about to reply when Yami spoke
"I don't think she needs to.." she said and I just looked at her and then Vidushi who was looking at her with raised eyebrows.
Yami continued with a confident expression.

"I mean , it's my place and I promised akshat and Chopra that she would sit here...and I like keeping my promises." She said while smiling.

"Fine.." Vidushi said with a thin lipped smile that I could tell was forced and walked away.

I sat down next to Yami and thanked her.

"No one deserves to sit alone , beside her, she deserves it." Yami replied.

"She's not that bad. I like her." I defended Vidushi.

"Yeah.." Yami said as our class now finally begun.

She seems tolerable.


It's very very very short but it's all I've got the time for right now so anyway..


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