Anybody could be Bad to You, You need A Good Girl To Blow Your Mind....

21 3 6

Written by- theoptimist24 

Yami's POV:

I am a nerd, I admit, but I can't understand why it is considered so uncool to be one. Not all students are considered A-grade so why should I be ashamed of being one. That being said, my life hasn't been miserable so far. The only change I feel is that, now I don't have anyone to talk to, which is weirdly okay with me.  Besides the common "I'm lonely" shit (yeah I said that..... don't you dare tell anyone) our class presentation has been postponed until and after the 'Green day'. The Green Day is basically a normal working day in our school during which all students plant  saplings in the school courtyard. It is a great way to make up for what we have taken from our mother Earth, atleast in my opinion it is. On this day, after the plantation has been carried out, we all gather in the school auditorium  to enjoy a series of performances based on our environment. Well, as far as I am considered, I am involved in preparing the dance for 'Green day', and I couldn't be any happier about it. The only drawback is that , I have to endure Chopra and his girlfriend. Why the hell is he everywhere?! 

Sighing, I make my way towards the dance room as the notorious golden trio follows behind me. They maybe funny but their endless chatter is seriously agitating sometimes. With every ounce of patience I possess , I ignore them and enter the dance room. I relax instantly; there is something about this place that makes me feel free and if it was up to me I would probably start living here. My moment of peace is broken however, as I see my ex-friend group assembled there.

"Bloody hell..." I moan with anger as I cover my face. The two idiots and Aarushi seem to have heard me though as they appear from behind me.

"Did you just....." Chopra starts.

"Yes I did.... move on!" I cut him off while walking away from them as quick as possible.

"Good morning Yami!" Our dance teacher beams at me.

"Good morning sir!" I smile.

"Haven't seen you in a while....." He asks.

"Well, our teacher decided I was too good to spare for a dance." I replied.

" She is very much mistaken" Akshat replied appearing by my side.

"Says.... Jealous boy!" I retaliate while taking off my socks.

" I....." he breaths out with a guffaw.

"Yesh! Jealoush 'f  be!" I mimic with a baby's voice.

"Now, now....stop it both of are in the presence of a teacher." Our teacher commands as all heads turn towards us.

I smirk at Akshat so that he receives the signal and seconds afterwards we holler like soldiers.

"Yes sir!" 

Our teacher sighs , then with a smile just shakes his head while we rush to join our group.

"Good morning, Yami!" Tara forces out with a smile.

"I wonder if you have met my bestie here......" she adds as she pulls a very uncomfortable Aarushi towards her.

"Yeah.....kinda hard not to know her as she studies in my class." I point out sarcastically. I have the worst timing I know.......

Tara's fake smile only brightens as she replies.

"Well....she unlike you is a great friend"

"Then why don't you yourself, take lessons from her" I comment mentally.

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