Seas the day

15 2 11

Written by :itsaayushi6676


The class presentation went on beautifully. Aditya lost his balance during the third turn but he managed to not fall off the stage into the audience's lap.

Now that the presentation was over , we would be stopping with the practices and that meant that Vaidehi and Aditya would stop doing their mushy shit in front of us , mainly it was Vaidehi being over him but he didn't stop her and I was sick of the PDA.

ew couples.

There were no excuses for teachers to not teach and us to not study. The teachers were now full on upon us to complete the syllabus...but we're we and we're stubborn and right now it was maths class and I was sitting next to Yami while the boys were on the other desk beside ours.

Our teacher was trying to teach us and everyone was trying to pay attention to her but failing due to the creatures around them which were they themselves.

I was trying to retain what our maths teacher was saying in her southern accent when I heard songs being sung at full volumes.

I turned my head towards the boys having a full blown concert in the middle of the class with no care about the students or even the teachers around. They were at their full volumes while singing their heart out and honestly I would never know how and why they did that.

Me and Yami had wide eyes and a very confused expression on our face. On one hand , I wanted to tell them to stop because they could get in serious trouble but on the other hand I was enjoying this too much.

I looked over to our teacher to see what her response was to this and she just....didn't do anything?

Ma'am you deaf?

I waited for her to speak something but nothing happened. I looked over at the guys still singing and now even adding beats. I laughed at them when others also joined them. Still our teacher was acting like nothing has happened?

How do they never get into trouble?

"Why is she not doing anything?" Yami said beside me , not able to contain her own amusement.

"I don't know ..she is acting like she can't hear anything?" I said.

"I'm not complaining but look at them!" She said pointing towards the boys who had now even started hand movements and were looking over at us with amused eyes with no intention to stop.

"You two are total idiots!"

"We know!"


The day had been really good so far and I was walking home with my brother right now.

Why walking?

Because my brother decided it would be 'healthy' to walk a hundred miles.

"Why are you making me do this?" I whined.

"You're not the only one doing this , I'm here too and look it's a bright sunny day-"

"And the sunny day is giving me a sunny headache so for God's sake keep quiet."
I retorted.

"Aren't you a little ray of dark?" He says under his breath.

"That I am." I said , sighing as I dragged my feet to reach home.

"I am ordering something when I get home , I need fuel." I told him.

"You're eating healthy." He said not looking at me.

"Says you Mr. I love all the junk food , shove it down my throat."

"Shoving it down? " He said with a weird glint in his eyes.

Do not tell me-

I acted like I didn't understand why his expressions had changed so quickly and why he was chuckling because I'm a very innocent girl.

"Carry me home!" I said , trying to distract my mind and planting my feet on the ground in the middle of the road.

He stopped walking and looked at me with narrowed eyes.

"You are not making me carry you all the way to the house with both of our schoolbags in this heat."

"It was your plan to 'get some sun and make ourselves healthier ' , so go on and do it." I said , flicking my hair.

"I bet everything you won't be able to do it. And c'mon you used to do it all the time" I said , challenging him.

"Firstly , I can pick you up with one arm but I won't because you lack common sense. Secondly , do you even realize that you're not 6 anymore and there are other people on the road and us walking like that would be super weird. Ever gave that a thought a second maam?"

Right ..I'm not 6 anymore and there are people around.

"I get to camp in your room for two days then?" I said , negotiating.

"Fine.." He said smiling and I did a little dance in my head.

"Now c'mon then Captain , we have miles to travel."


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