Good life

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Written by :itsaayushi6676

Aarushi's POV:

Okay so these must've been the funniest days of my life so far.
I got paired up to sit with this guy Vaibhav Patel. And behind me seated were two other guys by the names of Akshat Pandey and Kushagra Tiwari and lord do we have fun! I thought Akshat's last name was Rastogi for the first few days instead of it being Pandey. He got really mad about that. Yo! Everybody makes mistakes.

Anyway so I was saying? My life is going great and full of laughs and happiness. Finally , after all the drama that has happened last year , it's been a great year so far. Plus the class presentation practices are going great too. We've been practicing every time we get. Cancel that , we've been using practicing as an excuse to get out of classes every time. Me , Akshat , Vidushi and Aditya have formed a kind of group of friends. We're always hanging out together , granted , we have our lunch at different places but still..

I entered the classroom after being absent from school for a day because I wanted to sleep in and told my parents that I had a headache when in reality I didn't , with a merry mood and sat down on my seat next to Vaibhav.

"What's up?" I asked him setting my bag down. He looked deep in thought then gazed upwards weirdly for at least 15 seconds then spoke "The sky."
I smacked him on the head.


"That's the oldest and most pathetic joke I have ever heard and if you care for your life then don't ever repeat it." I said while turning back towards Kushagra and Akshat's seat.

Seemingly , Kushagra wasn't in the class yet and Akshat was chatting with Aditya very seriously.

"Hey guys." I said to them slightly surprised they didn't notice my presence.
They turned to me.
"Where were you yesterday?" Aditya asked me and I just shrugged.

"Headache." I answered.

"What's up with you guys?" I added noticing the tense vibes. Aditya sighed and said
"It's Vidushi."
"Ok..what about her?" I ask looking around for but not finding her.

"So she and Aditya had a huge fight yesterday and she complained about it to ma'am and I don't know why , but teachers always favour girls and that's what's happening. She's not listening to us." Akshat told me.

"So there must've been others when you were fighting right? They could tell her what really happened." I suggested.
"Assuming that you didn't really do or say something bad." I added looking towards Aditya.

"No! I didn't. I really didn't. " He said defensively.

"Alright chill bro. So was there anyone else while you two had this fight?" I said.

" Yami Rastogi." Aditya said looking towards Yami who was talking to Vidushi with a troubled expression on her face.

"I think she will tell the truth about what happened." Akshat said looking over at us
" I don't think so. Vidushi is her best friend and she hates you." I said to Aditya who looked confused.

"Why does she hate me ?" He asked.

"Reputation." I told him not meeting his eyes.

He sighed and said "We'll just have to see what happens. It's always me under the mess." He mumbled the last part to himself as we stood up and Akshat went back to get his books back from Suyash as our teacher walked in.
I looked at him and smiled.

"Now that sounds like something Mr.Potter would say although there is no competition between you two. He's the best." I said trying to lighten his mood. He chuckled.
"You've made that very clear in the last year." He said as he walked back to his seat.


"So what were you two upto yesterday?" Our class teacher asked Aditya and Vidushi as she sat down on her chair.
"He abused me." Vidushi said.
"So much for exaggerations." Aditya whispered beside me. I chuckled but covered my laugh with a cough.

The 'proceedings' went on. Honestly , why are teachers here so much strict on every small thing?

It was Yami's turn to tell everyone what really happened. Everyone's eyes were on her and she looked a bit uneasy.
Finally , she told our class teacher what she wanted to say and surprisingly , she didn't take Vidushi's side. Instead, she told the truth.I could see the shocked expression on Vidushi's face telling me she was as surprised as everyone else was. It was clear to me that us and Vidushi will not be that great friends now but just classmates , the drama that happened made sure of that. Both of them were decided 'equally guilty'.

Our teacher makes it sound like they did murder.

Aditya looked extremely happy and I sent a grateful smile towards Yami. He went towards Yami to maybe thank her and after a few seconds rushed to his detention while smiling widely.


The rest of the day went fairly well. I had a lot of fun.

It's a good life.


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