Tears of Apate......

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Written by: theoptimist24

(Note: For people who don't know, Apate is the goddess of deception)

Yami's POV:

I could sense her breaking. I know I had told her to get a grip and tell these people what she really wants........but I understand. I know it's hard to suddenly be brave, when till a few moments ago, you were forcing down your emotions.....

This day has been drastic! And seemingly the only problem with this day has been Vaidehi and Chopra's relationship........or on deeper thought, me.......God! Why me?!

I nod at Aarushi to signal that she may leave first. As soon as she does though........

"You both are the ones loading Vaidehi's mind with shit ,right?" I ask the two boys with my arms crossed.

They gape at me in answer.

"Listen here! I don't care......if I cursed.....I want you two bimbos! to tell Vaidehi that if she wants relationship advice, she better take it from me!........And that...... acting like a possessive bitch will only ruin everything she has!" I whisper shouted at their faces.

"What if I don't?" The foolish one asks........ atleast Shikhar knows the damage I can do.

"Your girlfriend is cute.......I bet she'll like it when you two discuss your marriage in the principal's office! Adieu!" I conclude and walk past them after doing a 'I am watching you' impression.


I stepped inside the auditorium which was noisy and crowded as usual, yet, even though I was surrounded by cheerful people, something felt horribly wrong.

I looked towards the herd of empty chairs at one end, that were previously occupied by Vaidehi and her friends, and then towards the same old lone corner ,I had been made a part of.

If I could just make things right, I would walk away from these people's lives as soon as possible. It has always been a strange coincidence with me......... like whenever I do something for someone else, it only makes their life more difficult. It's tiring really....... trying to change yourself everyday..... reading people, judging what they want and being that person for them....... and to top it all, I am the one who advises people to be who they are......... when I myself am a chameleon.

My teachers say, I am more mature than most of my age........My parents think that I work too hard......... and my classmates think I am uncool because I don't think like a teenager. Well I do think like a teenager...........I am reckless, I make awful choices but I do it all for some lame righteous reason which only adults care about............. because I was brought up to obey my elders, act like the golden child with perfect grades, idealistic ideas and a holy tongue. I wasn't supposed to care about getting friends......... because my parents never had the best friendships........ because all they believe I need is, education and myself to be successful in life.

And the only thing wrong here is........I am an attention seeking bitch! I need people around me......I need people to love me.......... I need people to remind me that I am a good person because I can't tell myself that............. and so to get people to love me........I became the caretaker......... the friend who only exists when the others need something. That made me the person I am today.........

But now.......I see another person who is being terribly used....... and all I can do now is help her before she becomes like me...... A walking, talking irony.

I shake my head lightly and smile at the enthusiastic waves of Aarushi, as I make my way towards her.

Kushagra smirks, as I join them for a game of 'Truth and Dare'......

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