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Written By- theoptimist24

Yami's P.O.V:

It has been 4 days since the last episode and trust me, the days have only worsened. It seems like I have become the butt of all the, 'You are so ugly!' jokes and every time I step in...... during my friends', 'Gal Time', I am treated like an outsider. Just yesterday, I was tricked by my friends into believing that my crush likes me, and what happened next was not pretty at all!

I found a way to forgive them though, because as long as they were insulting me, I had their attention, and even if it was less than friendship, it was more than isolation. This was why I forgave them every time.......even though I knew...... that they were wrong.

Today, however, I am enraged! You see, since the class presentation rehearsals began.......Vidushi, Aarushi, Chopra and Akshat clicked together and formed a gang.( I was a bit lonely, but oh well, who cares!) They were an admirable group,at first......full of jolly, fun-loving people ( I hate happiness!) until .........yesterday. Aditya and Vidushi had a curse battle yesterday and unfortunately,  I was there during......the......ummm........swearing match between them, but the real drama ensued only after, I had left. What happened was that Vidushi decided to be a bitch , and told the whole story to our class teacher, excluding her part in the argument. Our teacher, being fair and just, decided to go through the matter in detail. Aarushi was absent and I had left early for a competition, so the case was left hanging with no further witnesses to aid the cause.

I came to learn that my word was,in fact, the final verdict, only today. Needless to say, I was taken aback by the prejudiced looks, Chopra, Akshat and Aarushi were giving me. It seemed, as if they had already decided what side I am on.....and I hated that. Another thing I hated, was that Vidushi was being extremely 'fake nice' to me and when that did not buy her my assistance, she started pointing out my insecurities.

"Yami.......you know I am your one true friend.......don't get so caught up in doing the right thing, that you lose the only person you have" she whispered as our teacher strode into the classroom, and transfixed her gaze on me.

The trial began. I had not answered Vidushi's question till now, and I could clearly see the fear in her eyes. The tension was building high and my lengthy silence was making my classmates question their expectations. There was no mid-way, it was either the truth or a folly and either way, I was not gaining anything. 

With a deep breath, I expelled the truth out of my mouth, as I felt the aching muscles of my forehead relax. Everyone, except Akshat and my teacher, gazed at me in shock. I felt unordinarily smug after I finished my story. I had proved, that I was not what people expected and it was satisfying.

Vidushi looked at me with a betrayed expression after our class teacher dismissed us and was about to stomp away for detention, when I whispered into her ear.

"You were wrong..... .....you are not my one true friend. I am my one true friend...." 

"I hope.......it remains that way..." she spat as she picked up her bag and left for detention.

Just as she left,Chopra approached me while looking at me with questioning eyes.

"Well?" I asked smugly.

"Why did you...?" he mumbled.

"You twisted my hand, remember............had to take my revenge." I smiled lightly at him.

He nodded his head while beaming, as he rushed after Vidushi. Who goes for detention, smiling? What a dork?!

Akshat thanked me too and from the corner of my eye I saw Aarushi smiling at me too.....It felt nice but......

Call me a people pleaser, later please because as happy as I am right now......I want to cry first because I did not just lose one companion, I lost all...


It is so confusing! I want to cry but I am laughing, that too in a school washroom, where anyone can hear me. Tears are rush down my face but I cannot control my smile. I must look like a maniac!

Suddenly, I  hear a gentle knock at the door of my cubicle.

"Yami....Is that you?" comes the gentle voice of Aarushi.

I think about  answering but a voice inside me halts me from taking any action, and just like that, soon her footsteps were disappear the way they had come.

Tomorrow will be a new day, a new life and a new me................it's time to move on.


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