Down for the Count

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Written by :itsaayushi6676
"I really need to sleep." I whispered as once again I was standing on the corner of my bed with all my books , laptop and clothes scattered all around. I didn't even do anything? I just stood and hopped around the did everything get so messed up?

I looked upon the dance costume properly set up on my study table , it being the only thing in my room that was in it's intended place.

"You really need to sleep Arushi otherwise you'll end up looking like a zombie tomorrow." I said to myself yet again but with no intention to stop , and that's when I heard my parent's room door open.


It's 2 am , I'm dead if they don't find me asleep.I quickly went under the sheets and covered myself with my favorite blanket with the Cinderella print.

Don't judge me , it's very soft and I can't sleep without it.

My mum came in and switched off my lights , knowing I never shut them off on my own and stood behind me for 2 seconds and then exited my room and closed the door.

I just hope she didn't hear my racing heartbeat.

Now it's really time to sleep.


"You're gonna be late if you don't step out right now." My mum ordered , holding the keys in her hand.

"Why are there so many people out on the streets? I'm not stepping out in this costume on the streets'll make me a fool." I said , waiting for the crowd outside to disappear.

"It will just make you a kid going to school for her performance and nothing else , stop thinking and just come on you're already late."

I closed my eyes and stepped out.

Here goes nothing.


The first day went absolutely smashing and today was the second day of our performances and right now I was standing backstage with Suhani and Shreshtha and talking to them about random things. We had our performance just after the one that was going on , it was a play so it'll go long ..but still...better be safe than sorry.

Akshat and Yami were supposed to enter the stage from the other side so they were on the opposite end. Aditya was supposed to be here with me but I couldn't see him anywhere in sight , I wasn't worrying about his whereabouts....yet.

After a while , I saw him standing with Vaidehi a few steps behind me. I started to make my way towards them but stopped when I realized what was happening.

Vaidehi looked like she will burst into tears any moment.

Aditya had a hard neutral expression on his face.

Vaidehi's friends were looking at Aditya like he had killed their dogs.

"And why are you doing this exactly?" She said in a slight higher voice.

"I ...I just can't continue whatever is going parents will kill me if they find out and honestly...I don't think I'm good enough for you." He stuttered a bit but then composed himself.

"Not good enough for me?" She questioned and now there were tears rushing out.

Oh c'mon girl , you're crying over a guy that's not Niall Horan? Give me a break.

Not the time bitch.

Yeah , alright.

"Yes , I'm not. And we have to stop this. I can't do this anymore." He said in a dismissive tone and backed away from her. He took one last look at her and came and stood beside me and turned me around from the scene.

Bad move. Bad move.

I glanced at him and saw nothing but a stone expression and creased lines on his forehead. I turned around to see what was going on with Vaidehi. 

Yeah , she looked absolute miserable. Her makeup was getting smudged because of the tears.Her friends were around her , trying to console her.She was looking towards Adutya who had his back turned towards the other side. She then again glanced at me and her expression changed.

She thinks you're trying to fuck her man.

An uncontrollable snicker broke out from my mouth at the bizarre thought and I turned around quickly trying to save myself.

I hope she didn't see that!

I looked towards Aditya who was staring at me as if I had grown a second head.

"What?" I asked him.

"Why would you laugh?" He asked me with a very puzzled but serious expression.

I can't tell you.

"Just...I have the habit of laughing at the worst moments...ignore me please I'm so sorry." I rambled on.

"It's alright." He tried to smile. I nodded , after a few seconds of silence I asked him

"Are you sure about this?"

"I'm just stressed about the drama that will follow. I'm sure about the decision." He said , running his hands through his hair.
I once again turned towards Vaidehi and saw how literally everyone was at her side and trying to console her. Vaibhavi looked towards me and gestured me to come help as well. I looked at her with a mundane expression and stepped closer to Aditya.

"What changed your mind? You were great until yesterday." I said , ignoring Vaidehi's and Raina's stare and turning towards him.

"Yea...not really. I was in the middle of doing this and then you and Yami talked to me and I thought over it one more time and just...did it I guess?"

So he did it because of her? Of us?

God that's news , we never thought he would take the bluffs seriously.

Wonder what Yami would say when she gets to know about this...


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