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As we went back into the shop, Oka-San took out a piece of paper while Reki sat down on a seat in front of the counter Oka-San is behind, and Langa stood next to the counter. I stood between both of them, resting my hands on the table.

"The job is for you to deliver a client's board to this location. The delivery time is midnight the day after tomorrow." Oka-San started.

"That late at night?" Langa asked, seemingly confused why someone would want their skateboard delivered that late.

"The gates don't open until late night." Reki spoke up.

"Gates?" Langa asked back.

"Have you heard about a skateboarding race...that takes place in an abandoned mine? Only chosen ones get to take part in this special race. The race is called 'S'." Oka explained, crossing his arms over his stomach.

"Huh..." Langa mumbled understandably.

"Normally I'd go but things aren't working out for that night." He continued.

"A woman." Reki suddenly said, raising his head from the table while his arms still were resting on it.
I widened my eyes, standing straight up.

"It isn't! / Reki!" Oka-san and I said at the same time, an irk mark appearing on my forehead.

Reki just ignored me.
"It's that childcare worker from the other day!" Reki continued, raising his finger and pointing it at Oka-san.

"It isn't!!! It's about the debt!!" Oka-San sighed deeply. I looked over at Langa. He's just staring at them...how funny.
Then I realized what he just said.

"Debt?" Reki and I said in unison, my hands meeting the table again.

"About money I owe." He answered. "This shop...is about to go under." His expression changed into a sad and unmotivated one.

"What?!" I widened my eyes once again, staring at Oka-San. Even though I'm not working there, I help them out when Reki or him can't.

"I didn't hear about..." Reki also started but got interrupted by Oka-sans evil laugh.
My eyes closed again. He did not just...

"Oka-san, you shouldn't lie!" I whined, looking at Rekis priceless reaction.

"Lies like that are the worst! And you're the manager!" Reki added angrily, watching the so called Manager whistle happily.

"Then, you should listen to what I have to say a bit more!" He yelled back at Reki.

I was about to stop them when Langa suddenly yelled out loud, holding one hand in his other.

While Reki was talking to Oka, I talked to Langa.
"Langa?! Oh no, did this little cutie bite you? Show me your hand. Is it bleeding? Let me treat the wound-"

"OUUUCHH!" Reki yelled loudly, tears escaping his eyes.

"Oh no another one. Are you okay, Reki?" I leaned over to him, taking his hand to look at it.
Oka and Langa just stared at Reki, sweatdropping once again.

"There, there." Oka-san said while patting his pet.
I just stared at Oka-san blankly, the other two joining.


I waited in the classroom, pouting and looking outside while sitting on Rekis seat. I like his seat.
Langa and Reki went to get Langa a sticker for S before school starts. Reki didn't allow me to come. What an a-

"Y/N!! We're back!" I heard Rekis voice.
"Hi." I simply answered, being unmotivated for the first time today.

"Is something...wrong?" Reki asked, putting his bag down and jumping on the table.

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