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Please tell me if there is a part that doesn't make sense or smth because I mostly write at night.

I was sipping on my drink when I remembered something.

"Ohhh...I totally forgot." I laughed.
Miya glanced up at me for a second, questioning what I just said.

"I promised Langa to show him my ollie if he wins against you! This whole Adam thingie came inbetween. How could I forget!" I laughed as I put my drink down.

He let out a small laugh but continued playing a game on his phone.

I grunted...this boy didn't listen, did he?

"Miya.." I called out, making him now look up from his phone.

We were currently in a cafe, drinking some cold frappuccinos if you're wondering.

"Hm." He hummed back, turning his phone off.

"Thank you, for training with me the last few times. And I heard you guys were able to convince Shadow to come with you. To that place. I heard there's a beach?!" I smiled excitedly, sadness hiding behind that.

"Yeah. It's sad that you're not coming though..." He smiled sadly, continuing to sip his drink, me doing the same.

"Yeah...my dad doesn't like the idea...he came back from his business trip...My mum agreed but he said it's dangerous? For whatever reason. Everytime he gets home he He He can comand me around..." I quietly said, also sipping on my drink after sighing heavily.
A heavy silence fell upon us while music was playing through the shop.
Only our slurps were heard until he spoke up again.

"I'm sorry..."

I hummed back in question, my mouth still around the straw.

"I hurt you back then...didn't I?" He looked down, his hair covering his sight.
"Oh...it's okay, Miya. I'm fine. I'm not even mad. I forgot about it already!" I smiled, putting my drink back down, remembering the time Langa, Reki and I were skating towards S when Miya bumped into me.

He smiled back at me sweetly, finishing his drink.

"May I ask something?" Miya asked now, making me nod.

"You said that Adam attempted or wanted to cut your hair, right?"
I nodded again.

"But why? I didn't quite get it. It's kinda weird..."

"Well, it is....He said that I'm hiding my potential behind curtains, behind my hair. He said that I need to cut my hair for my potential to start growing exponentially." I simply shrugged, making him nod now.
I don't get Adam...name one person who gets him.

It's comfortable to hang out with Miya. We've done this a few times. Him training me then going to eat or drink something.

I didn't want Langa and Reki to leave me behind...that's why I'm doing my best to improve.

"Thank you for the drink." Miya spoke up again, grinning and standing up.

"Who said I'm paying!" I yelled at him, also standing up. I know where this is going. This is not the first time.

"I'm a child, I told you! You are paying!" He said before speeding out of the shop, disappearing with his skateboard.

"Oi!" I yelled after him, making the people in the shop give me weird looks.

I just stared back at some of them, making them turn away immediately.

I sighed and went to pay for both of our drinks. He's going to owe me, again.

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