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Sorry for the late update, had so much work to do.

I quickly changed into the robe we got from the inn. Of course I'm wearing some white knee length shorts and a top under it.

I jogged out and slowed down after reaching outside, the chilly night breeze caressing my face.

I breathed in deeply while walking down the street, the dim lights of the street lamps giving me a calm feeling.

Reki that dumbass...he should believe in himself more....

I wonder if what Miya said is true....
I also have this feeling that there's something out there...

Should I investigate?...

Nah...the curious one is the first to die in a horror movie.
So that's a no I guess.

I sighed as I took a turn, spotting some white roses.

Innocence, loyalty, young love...

A beautiful meaning.

I walked over to them, kneeling down and smelling them.

"Woah...they smell so good!" I smiled and was about to smell it again when a laugh interrupted me.

"I knew you like white roses." A manly voice startled me, making me stand up and turn to him immediately.

"Oh, did I startle you?" The one and only Adam stood there, smirking down at me.

It is Adam....right?
His mask is missing and his hair is down...but how could I forget that voice.

my eyes widened as I gasped and took a step back, hitting the fence behind me.
He quickly turned and smashed his hands on the fence next to my face to keep me away from running.

"A-Adam...." I stuttered, my heart beat increasing. "What are you doing here..." I whispered, my voice being stuck in my throat.

I thought...

I thought I've escaped him...

I thought I'm free now....

Am I not?...

Am I still.....

his Eve?...

He grinned wider, smirking down at me darkly.

I couldn't move, my muscles being stuck in fear and nervousness.

Come on...

Come on Y/N...



"MOVE!" I now yelled out loudly, making Adam frown.

"No." He simply said.
I widened my eyes even more, my pupil becoming smaller.

"I am the one who decides. " He darkly comanded, now putting his hands down.

Before I could take a breath of relief his leg went up...

What is he--

"AHHHHHH!" I let out a bloodied scream, my voice cracking.
Adam kicked my right leg with all his might, right on my scar.

I groaned, dropping on the ground.

The fence did another loud bang while I was now on the floor, groaning while I felt my right leg slowly freezing.

This hurts!

This hurts so dang much!!!

I clenched my teeth, trying to endure the immense pain.

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