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I went out to buy myself some sweets and the new series of (fave) Manga since it was on sale and my broke ass is broke. And this broke ass loves sales.
So I just had to.

"Thank you. Goodbye!" The cashier lady smiled, waving at me.
I smiled back, bowing politely before saying a quick thank you.

I walked out of the store happily while eating my popsicle.

I still can't get over yesterday. Langa was just sooo amazing! And cool!

I slowly walked over to some stairs, taking a few steps before spotting a red and a blue head.

Like fire and water----- wrong fanfiction.

Anyway, I smiled after recognizing my friends and speeded down the stairs, almost tripping once.

Reki was poking Langas cheek and patting his back as I raised my voice.

"Guyyys!" I yelled while waving at them with the hand that is holding the popsicles last seconds of life.

They both turned around, a smile forming itself on their faces.

"Oh, it's Y/N." Langa looked up at me, his feet stuck on the ground...I think...

"Y/N!! What are you doing here?" Reki asked, fully turning his body to me unlike Langa.

"I was just buying some stuff for myself. What are you doing?" I smiled, sitting down between them, a step over Langa.

"Oh we just met by fate!!" Reki said, raising his hand into the air historically.
I just sweatdropped, completely forgetting about my popsicle that was slowly melting.

"What did you buy?" He asked, looking at the two bags in my hands.
I put them down next to me.

"I got Manga-"

Langa immediately cut me off by asking something he shouldn't have.
Really shouldn't have...

"Which Manga?" He innocently asked, my smile fading into a grin.

"Langa! Nooonono. You shouldn't have asked that-" I cut Reki off, my eyes sparkling while looking at Langa.

"I'm glad you asked!!! It's (fave Manga)! The newest Volume just came out and it was on sale. Student discount! So how could I not grab this opportunity to buy it, huhhhhh?!" I smiled, moving my hands around while speaking for a loooong time about the Manga and everything.

I talk too much when it comes to that...hehe....

"And then he-" I continued but got cut off by Reki.

"Y/N, your popsicle!!!" He yelled at me.
I flinched and quickly looked at my right hand, watching the rest of the popsicle plop down on the ground...

"Nooooooooooo!" I cried, looking at the delicious thing now resting on the asphalt stairs.

"I told you...But you didn't hear me..." Reki said, face palming himself.

"Sorry..." I mumbled quietly, scratching the back of my head shyly.

"I rambled again...didn't I?"

"Yes." Reki answered.
"No. It was interesting." Langa commented, giving me a thumbs up.

"Langaaaaaaa!" Imaginary tears rolled down my eyes.
"You're too kind!" I continued crying, sniffing inbetween.

Rekis face just got white, not a single emotion being visible on his Face while Langa blushed lightly.

"Yoh think so?" He replied, looking at me while tilting his head.
I stopped crying and nodded.
"No one ever found my rambling interesting." I told him, standing up again to throw away the wood from the dead (rip) popsicle in my hand.

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