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I put away the dishes we used and jogged to the garage where they already went to without me.

I walked in, hearing a loud machine working.

"Trucks?" I heard Langa ask over the noise.
"Oh, jeez!" Reki sighed, his hands still on the machine. He turned it off as I fully came in and pointed at a picture.
Oh, it's Rekis lesson time!
I walked closer and rested my face on my hands which were on the table.

"This is a long board. It's used in surfing for offshore training.
This is a cruiser. It's for going in the city.
And this is a street. It's like the one I use. If you wanna do tricks, go with that."


And so we ended up watching some tricks on youtube, Reki holding the phone while Langa was on his right side. I stood behind them, my hands on my knees for support while kneeling down a bit.

"How did he just do it?"

"Cool, right?"


Just then, a very amazing flip came across the screen.

"Woah. This too?" Langa said while watching.
"It's wicked! Only a handful of guys can pull that off, though!" Reki commented.

"But it's possible." Langa replied, his eyes stuck on the video.
"It is. Yeah." He agreed, continuing to watch the video.
Reki looked at our focused faces and laughed cutely.

We looked at some other videos until we thought that it was enough.

"You can really skate everywhere." Langa was amazed by the things he just saw, his passion growing little by little.

"Snowboarding...To snowboard you obviously need snow so you gotta live somewhere cold." I stood up straight, both of them turning to me, also standing up.
"And can't snowboard unless you go up into the mountains, right?" Reki added, both of us looking at Langa for a response.

"It's no good if there's no pileup of snow, but it's not good if there's a blizzard out, either." Langa explained, me nodding.
"And indoor facilities are too cramped."

"But you can skate even in school!" Reki pointed his finger at Reki who looked at his friend in shock.
"And get caught by a teacher!" I added, Reki chuckling at it.
"The park, the mountains!" Langa continued, his eyes growing bigger out of excitement.
"Morning, evening!" Reki also added, coming closer to Langa.

"Even if it's not snowing!"

I laughed and looked at their faces. Smiling like idiots.
"Anytime, anywhere, under any circumstances, you can skate!" Reki put his hands up in the air, his face showing pure joy.

"Whenever you like!" I added.

"Time, place, possibilities..." Reki and I said at the same time, staring at each other. "Skating is infinite!" I finished, Langa staring at us with a faint blush on his cheeks. Excitement rushing through  his blood.


From that moment on we started meeting up more and more.
Building Langas skateboard.
Practicing at the small skating park.
Explain theories at school while lying on the rooftop next to each other.
Skating in school and getting chased by the teacher.
Them watching videos in class while I listen and take notes so that they won't miss anything important.
Filming Langa from time to time to see his process and for him to see his mistakes.
Reki making designs for his board which were....not so good looking let's say.
Watch skating videos while eating fast food.
And so on...

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