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After Reki left and they came running to me as soon as they spotted me, I quickly put Rekis S pin into my pocket, running to the scene with them.

I definitely will give it back to him! Reki!
I took a glance around the place.

It's Langa!

I stopped and told Miya and Shadow to go before me since I spotted Langa on the way.
They nodded and left as I turned to Langa.

"Snow! You are truly wonderful!" Adam called out, making his voice echo through the place while his picture was conveyed through the screen.

"Langa!" I quietly called out as I tapped his shoulder, making him give me a quick glance before turning back to the screen.
"Y/N...I thought you went home already." He simply said, staring at Adam.
I shook my head, anger building inside me as I thought of Cherry.

"You should be able to go together with me." Adam continued.
"Because you are the new one I found....Eve!"

"Eve?" Langa whispered, staring at the screen.

Eve?! Adam is obsessed with this Eve thing!

"Tsk!" I turned around and started running to where Adam and Cherry are at.

"That bastard!"

"Y/N!" Langa called out but stopped, knowing that he's trying to search the last place Reki could be at.

I ran as fast as I can and stopped after finally reaching the place.

Joe, Miya and Shadow surrounded Cherry while Adam stood there, others watching.

"Oh? Yamiii~ Came to visit me?" Adam smirked, opening his arms for me.

I glared up at Adam, stomping towards him.

"Have you lost your mind?! Who would hit someone...--. Who the heck would smash a board into a former friend?!" I got angrier, stepping forward to grab his collar but was stopped by Miya and Shadow.

"Relax, Y/N..." Shadow growled, also staring right at Adam.

"Yamiiii? Where's the cute girl you show everyone, hm? I can only see a ridiculous, furious and dangerous girl in front of me. If only I could cut that hair...Where's the unimportant red head?" He added at the end, getting quieter.

I clenched my teeth, not knowing what to say.

Reki's important.

"What's up with that hair thingy, huh? That's just weird!" Shadow growled once again while I relaxed, stepping back.

Miya and Shadow also retreated their protective state.

"This one's for Reki and Cherry!" I growled as I took this as a chance and jumping forward, smacking him right on his cheek.

"Y/N!" Miya and Shadow yelled in shock while the sound of my hand hitting his cheek echoed.

"He deserves it..." I heard Joe mumble before he slowly raised Cherry up.
"Let's get him into the hospital. Shadow, lend me a hand!"

Adam's head was still tilted to the side, his red cheek facing us.
He was in a shock state while I just glared up at him.

"You will regret this." Adam smirked once again, taking his hand up to rub his cheek.
"Never." I replied, gritting my teeth.

Miya quickly grabbed my hand and walked me towards Cherry and the others, practically saving me from Adam.
I sighed and turned to Cherry.

"Cherry....you okay?" I furrowed my eyebrows upon seeing the wreck in front of me, being held by Joe and Shadow.
He nodded, closing his eyes for a moment.

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