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Quick question: Any Akatsuki no Yona fans (Manga/Anime)?

I groaned as I sat up, slowly looking around to spot a woman, Joe and Miya.

"Oh, Y/N!" Miya stepped forward, looking at me worriedly.

I was just confused...so I didn't say anything.

Did I....fall asleep or something?

"Oh. Sero-san I see you're awake. You collapsed earlier in this hospital. These two young man quickly brought you to a doctor. It seemed like you have an injury on your head. It wasn't a bad one though, we treated it properly. It should heal in a few days. But your blood has been drained a lot. You have lost a lot of blood lately. You probably were bleeding more than once today, right?
It also seems like that you're not eating well after we looked at your blood test results. You're missing certain vitamins.

The weakness of your cells also indicate that they're under stress. Are you having problems in school or at home? That's also a reason why you lost more blood than you should and collapsed even though it was a minor injury. I could imagine that today was bloody for you. Everything okay at home?" The medic rambled while we just stared at her.

That's a lot to take in at once...

I cleared my throat, not knowing where to start.

"Well....uhm....not really...no." I looked down, clenching my fist around the thin blanket on my legs.

"I see. Please take care, eat and sleep a lot. I will give you some magnesium. Please take one a day. It will help strengthen your body. Okay?" She smiled, handing me a box of medicine.

I nodded.

"Don't stress yourself. Whatever it is, it will be okay." She added, smiling and patting my shoulder before standing up.

I also turned around, slowly standing up and putting the small box into my pants.

"You can go home now if you want to. Maybe someone could drive you home or something. Well then, take care!" She exited the room, leaving the door open.

I sighed, now standing on my feet.

"Y/N-chan....that's a lot she just said...Are you sure you're alright?" Joe spoke up  leaning against the doorframe.

I just stayed quiet, looking down so that my hair was covering my face.

"Y/N....did something happen? It's nothing bad....right?" Miya looked up, his eyes filled with sadness.

"I might have to move to Canada next week....that's....one thing." I blurted out, walking towards the door.

"Huh?" They both tensed up, not expecting this.

"How's Cherry?" I stopped, not turning around.

"He's good on his wheelchair. He's alive at least." Joe answered simply, staring at my back.

"Good. I wish him well. Tell Shadow he should recover soon when we wakes up." I mentioned before slowly walking out of the hospital.

Surprisingly, they didn't follow me.
Probably because they were too shocked and wouldn't know what to say.

Now what....

How do I even tell this Langa and Reki....

Maybe they're better off without me anyways. Maybe I'm in their way....

I stepped outside, the sky already turned dark, the stars and moon illuminating the streets alongside the street lights and cars passing by.

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