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Reupload because wattpad had problems :)

They didn't mention yesterday at all, making me feel really comfortable.


"So what kind of skater is Adam?" Langa asked while I slurped my noodles.
"He has made S come to life. They say, he has never lost even once!" Reki told Langa, sounding quiet enthusiastic.

"Heeeeh..." Langa continued stirring his noodles while looking straight ahead, sparkles now surrounding him.

I continued slurping on my noodles while now looking to my right and watching them talk.

"Don't get so excited over it!" Reki sweatdropped, staring at the blue haired friend.

"And?" Langa asked again, wanting more information about him.
"The rest is a mystery." Reki answered, sounding quiet disappointed. "The founders could know more..."

"Founders?" Langa asked back.

But the weird thing is...why are they not talking about what Adam said to me.
Have they forgotten? Or did they not get it? Or do they not want to talk about it, or-

"Cherry, Joe...every powerful skater here-" Reki continued while Langa stared at someone behind him.
But that someone cut Reki off...someone too familiar.

"That's not right." The manly voice said, making them turn to him while I choked on my noodles.

"Joe?!" Reki flinched, looking at the person who's name he just mentioned.
Joe sighed and pushed his glass of water over to me which I gladly took and chunked down.

"I have skated against Adam long before S began." He talked, looking down at his bowl of noodles.

"You know him?" Langa asked Reki while my breathing came back to normal.

"That's Joe! One of the founders! Nickname: The fastest sixpack-skater! If it's only about power, then he's the strongest!" Reki simped, his eyes sparkling while my head rested on my hand, staring at Joe with a bored expression.

"You could've left out only about power, HAHAH!" Joe laughed, pulling Reki up with him while his arm was around his neck, almost choking him.

"Is Adam really..." Langa spoke up, making me turn my gaze to the one sitting next to me. "...a great skater?"

Joe sighed as he let go of Reki and sat back down.
"They call him...the Matador of Love..." Joe answered, his eyes gazing at me from the side.
I know what he's thinking....
He again...knows about the thing with Adam...
"Love?" Langa asked while I slowly looked down, trying to hide behind my hair while my mouth twitched out of anger.
I like to.hide behind my hair when I feel insecure, sad or anxious.

"Like Adam would say it, skating is a ritual of love." Joe sternly explained while Reki was still suffering from his 'hug'.

"What's that supposed to mean." Reki questioned, holding his neck out of pain.
"I don't get it."

"I don't know either...about Adam." Joe looked down, then back up and straight at me.
"But it's a fact that he's a dangerous skater. Everyone that had beef with Adam were injured badly. Some even gave up on skating."
Even though I was looking down, I now felt his immense stare on me.

"Y/N-chan might be able to help you there." He suddenly said, making them turn to me.
"Y/N-chan?!" They both questioned, making me mentally face palm.
I widened my eyes and stood up while he also did.
"Joe!" I stared up at him, making him smile.

"Y/N-chan! I didn't talk to you for so long! Are you busy? Why don't you come back and work here? It was so much more fun with you!" He teasingly told me, smiling brightly.
My eyebrow twitched, making me throw my chopstick at him.

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