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I changed into my school uniform and quickly brushed my now short hair. I mean...it is cute.....but creepy at the same time since Adam caused this....

Before exiting my room, I changed the bandages around my arm and leg, covering the injuries. Making it as invisible as possible.

Alright, good to go.

I grabbed my bag and went out, rushing to the exit after checking the time.

"Y/N!" I heard my mom, making me turn around.

She stops her steps midway, looking at me with big eyes.

"When did you cut your hair? And what are those bandages??" She asked bewildered.

"O-oh....uh...." How can I forget that I haven't shown or told her!!! Yesterday was dark!!!


"I uhm..It was spontaneous, with the hair. Yesterday. Haha....And uhm...I fell while skateboarding. It's nothing." I laughed awkwardly, going through my hair.

"I see. Weird that you didn't tell me but it looks really cute. And that must've been a really bad fall.......Well, hurry up, I just wanted to give you this." She put a bento in my hand, smiling at me.

"Sorry that I can't keep your father away from you. Listen, I only made him rethink it and set a one month minimum. So please try to do what he wants for that month so you can come back, okay? In the meantime I will find myself a secure job. Okay? Then I can divorce him....He just wants you to have a new start since he thinks that you're doing unwell here with school and all your friends." She whispered the last part, making my eyes go wide.

"Really???" I yelled, making her hush me.

"Now, go, go! Or you'll be late!" She pushed me out of the door, making me stumble outside.

"See you soon!" She yelled before closing the door, leaving me in confusion.



No I better hurry!!!

I decided to not take my skateboard today since my injuries still hurt, which is why I speed-walked and kind of ran to school, which isn't so good aswell....

With the bento in my hand, I made it to school just on time.

Today I have to do all the paperwork at school for my departure.

This will feel wrong...definitely.

But mom promised me to not keep me there more than a month, so I will be fine.


I looked at the calender on the wall of Oka's shop sadly, putting my hand on todays date.
I have today, tomorrow and the day after that left...So two more. With the 2nd day being my departure.

"So it's really happening..." Reki spoke as he was doing things with Langas board while the blue haired one was sweeping.
I flinched, thinking that he's alluding to me for a mere second.

"Your beef against Adam." Reki finished his sentence, making me turn around and lean against the wall like I didn't just flinch like a squid.
And once again, I had a lollipop in my hand, twisting it in my mouth.

"Yeah." Langa responded.

"Did you think of anything? Like a strategy?" Reki asked while still being concentrated on his work.

I used my foot to push me away from the wall and sat down by the table opposite of Reki.

"So, why is Adam skating?" Langa asked back as I now watched the little Fox jumping over to my boyfriend with a grin.

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