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Prepare some tissues everyone!

I looked around the streets, trying to find Langa in the dark.

"Y/N!" I heard a voice call out, making me turn around.

"Langa!" I quickly jogged over to him, holding the umbrella over his head.

"Reki is still not here, hm?" I looked down.

"Yeah...." He quietly said while the rain droplets were hitting the umbrella.



"Have you texted him?" I asked.

He hummed back in response.

"Let me try call him." I fished my phone out and dialed his ID, putting the phone to my ear while hoping for him to answer.

It rang a few times until it changed to voice mail.

"He isn't answering..." I sighed.

Reki....just where are you??

"The sun just set completely. I'm worried." I looked over to Langa.

"Me too...." He quietly agreed.



Suddenly we heard footsteps, making us turn to that direction.

"Reki!" Langa and I called out at the same time just as Reki turned around.

"Welcome home." Langa said as we jogged over to him.

I immediately stepped closer, the umbrella now above his head.
He gave me a glance before looking back down.

"You need something?" Reki asked, his voice raspy.

He looks so broken....so hurt....

"Adam is hosting a tournament..." Langa started, making me turn to him.

"Tournament?" I whispered, looking down on the floor.
What is he planning....?

Rekis hands tightened around his skateboard, his hair covering his view.

I looked over at Langa, who's face was just as sad.

"So...?" Reki answered simply.

"I'm thinking about entering." Langa confessed, making me flinch in surprise.


You're breaking the promise...

"What about the promise with me...?" Reki spoke, his voice cracking.

"That's..." Langas words got stuck, the rain intensifying.

This feels wrong....

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