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"You're empty again, aren't you, Miya?" Adam spoke up and went off his skateboard, looking at Miya who's expression dropped even more.
I furrowed my eyebrows and was ready to protect him if needed.

"Now you have nothing remaining." Adam added, his mask and hair shining in the moon light.

I stepped in front of Miya and stared at Adam, my eyes changing into the complete opposite.
If eyes could kill, he would definitely be dead now.

"Oh...Yam-" He walked closer and was about to say my S name when I cut him off.

"Don't say that to Miya!" I yelled, looking up at him angrily.
Reki and Langa widened their eyes, others joining.

Why she's yelling at the Adam, they ask....They don't know what happened....
I once....I once sk--

Adam smirked and laughed creepily.

"That's cute." He chuckled, walking not towards, but right past me.
Before I could turn around, I felt my hair fall back on my shoulders. Meaning that my hairband was gone.
I turned around to see him play with the hairband while looking at Langa.

"Hey!" Reki called out, taking my hand and pulling me to his side protectively.
He didn't let go so I just tightened my grip on his warm and familiar hands.
"Give it back." Reki darkly demanded but got ignored instead.

"Y/N-chan. Have you forgotten?" Adam turned around again, his tall figure giving me goosebumps all over my body.

"Do you know him?" Reki asked, looking down at me.
I opened my mouth but nothing came out.

Is that it?...

I closed it again and just looked away from Reki.


Adam laughed again, smirking.
"I know you ran away. I told you not to. You are a diamond. A diamond that is hiding behind a rock. I just have to grind it until the diamond comes out. I told you, haven't I?" He darkly talked, smirking after his statement and turning back to his former position.
I started shaking out of nervousness which Reki could feel by holding my hand.

"Well, now to the important part." Adam said, throwing my hairband up and catching it in his right hand tightly again.

I saw Miya staring at me worriedly while my head now hung low.

"I have watched you skate." Adams deep voice spoke up again, a hand on his waist.
I raised my head to see what he's doing but saw something else instead.
Miyas head was now hanging low while his hands were hiding under his sleeves.

I thought about taking his hand for a second before Adams voice caught my attention.

"It's wonderful!-"
He continued rolling while talking, raising his arms.
"But if you change your shift of weight, you will be even better."

He has...watched Langa?.....

Oh no....that doesn't sound good at all.
Please don't let him get to Langa...
Like he did to me....

"If you for example do an ollie..." Adam smirked, walking behind Langa who was just confused of what was happening.
"Can I touch them?~" He crouched down, moving his hands around Langas knee.

"Wait." Reki darkly said, making me look at him.
"Take back what you said earlier!" He demanded, squeezing my hand for comfort while the other one was in his pocket.
Miya breathed in shockingly, looking up a bit while Adam just smirked evily, his sharp teeth now visible.

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