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"Push is one of the basics, so you need to be able to do it with your eyes closed!" Reki explained while we skated on the school's ground, me gripping tight onto Rekis back.
I stood on one foot, the other one supporting the one standing while I was hugging Reki from behind. It was wobbly and unstable but we're rolling.

Without noticing, a blush crept itself onto my cheeks. Maybe I was just feeling hot...

My hair swayed around in the air, flying into the perfect direction. With perfect direction I mean that it's not flying into my face but the other way around.

Don't ask me how in physics this is possible, but we made it. So go with it.

"Look ahead!" Reki shouted to Langa who was struggling a bit.

"Hey! You there!" The sports teacher suddenly yelled running after us in his joggers.

"Oh no!" I tightened my grip on Reki making him fasten his speed.

"Crap! Let's make a run for it!" He told us, Langa joining.

I peeked behind to look at Langa.

"Push, Langa! Just push, you will make it!" I yelled at him, my hair getting in the way of seeing him properly.

"Rekiii!" A guy yelled from above our heads, making me look up.

"You'd better not get caught!" A classmate of us yelled, some others watching us from the windows.
"And take care of Y/N-chan!" He added, waving at me.

I smiled up at him while Reki made a peace sign, making the board even more wobbly than it already is.

Langa slowly got the grip of it, now fully standing on the board.
I saw the curve and tightened my grip, which didn't help to my dismiss since I fell due to the law of physics.

"Ow...." I groaned while watching Langa crash into the wall.

"PAHAHAHHA LANGA!" I bursted out laughing, the teacher frowning at me.

"DON'T LAUGH!" The teacher yelled while slowly moving to me. I quickly stood up and ran away to where Reki was.

This was fun!


Reki and Langa continued practicing while I studied at home. My mom said that I've been going out too much. She said my grades will fail if I don't study.
So I'm studying...or atleast my mom is thinking I am. I'm actually just drawing.

I'm kind of angry right now since they're hanging out without me.

My thoughts drifted that far that my pen broke into two pieces, one flying away.
Just then I got a call from Oka-san.

"Hello?" I answered the call, leaning back into my seat while throwing the broken pencil into the trash can a few steps away from me.

"Ah, Sero-chan. Could you deliver this skateboard for me? It's really close actually but someone has to watch the shop." He sighed over the phone.


"Okay see you then!"

I jumped up and grabbed my black jacket, taking a last look at my black look in the mirror before running out of my room.

"Y/N!" My mom yelled, looking at me in disbelief.
"Oka-san called!" I plainly told here before slipping into my shoes, snatching my skateboard and skating to the shop.





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