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I sneaked back home through the garden since my mom left it open for me.

Love ya mom!

I tip toed up into my room, trying to be as quiet as possible.
Good thing they're already off to sleep by now.

I went into my room and quickly grabbed a random black hoodie to match my black knee length pants.

I will have to think of something if it is my turn today.

I just hope it isn't....


I completed my outfit and checked my phone for messages.
I texted Langa, asking him how he will get there but he didn't reply.

I guess I will take a night bus or something.

I wanted to grab my skateboard out of reflex before noticing that it's broken.


I sighed and grabbed my keys before sneaking back out.

My mother doesn't even know about this...




I breathed in the fresh night air and looked around for my friends, failing miserably.

"It's Yami..." A group whisper-yelled, making me turn to them.

"Woah...she looks even prettier with her hair down...." They whispered, making me glare at them.

Me? Pretty? Y'all blind?

I cleared my throat and continued walking and searching, especially for Reki.

Just as I spotted Langa and Joe, the lights went out, fire shooting out and lights flashing right after.

I quickly looked to the front, seeing Adam jump up and make another dramatic entrance.

Everyone cheered, jumping up and down and waving their hands around.

I slowly walked over to Langa and Joe, my eyes not leaving Adam.

"Hi..." I waved at them, making Joe nod at me and Langa greet me.

"All you fools who like skateboarding!"  Adam shouted, making the audience go crazier.
He landed back down, stretching his hands out.

"As of now, I would like to determine the one human who loves skating the most and is loved by the gods of skateboarding!" He loudly spoke, clapping his hands after his speech and making a projector project the participants on the rock wall behind him.

Harry, Shadow, Miya, Snow, Adam, Cherry Blossom, Joe, Snake, Phoenix and me....Yami.

Who is Snake and who is Phoenix?

They both are wearing caps...


Which one was the one that stared at me....They look so similiar...

Everyone cheered once again while I clenched my fists.


"Adam is number one!" He pointed his finger at the audience. "Who do all of you think will win? This gets you excited, doesn't it?"

Everyone started talking about the participants, cheering for particular ones.

"Woah, Yami is so strong! She's the only girl!"
"Yes, the beauty gets my vote!"
"She's so cool!"

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