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"You're fine with it, right?" Chinen smiled at Langa who just looked down.

"Don't do it, Langa. This guy is on another level. " Reki commented, sighing.

The atmoshpehere was tense when I decided to speak up.

"Miya Chinen." I called, taking a step closer.

"What is it, miss unknown?" He asked, looking up a bit.
An irk mark appeared on my head...that name.
What's that supposed to mean?!

"I don't know what you want, but if you have bad intentions then I won't let you near Langa." I calmly said, taking another step forward to stretch my hand out in front of Langa, 'protecting' him.

He just looked at me, still smiling while a blush formed itself on Langas pale cheeks.

"Can you skate?" He then asked calmly, his voice as sweet as honey.

"Y/N-" Reki tried to interrupt but Chinen raised his hand at Reki, motioning for him to be quiet.

"I...guess so..." I answered, lowering my protective hand that was once in front of Langa.

"Hm....You don't look like total slime.Hm... You're slimes friend.... Ten maybe....Miss slime?" He looked up thoughtfully, the nickname making a pink hue form on my cheeks.
M-miss?! As in the wife of--

"Hm...no. You're more like a.....princess onee-san?" He leaned forward while smirking, making me take a step back by the closeness, bumping into Langas chest.

We stayed in that position for awhile until Chinen stood back up, making me step away from Langa. I took a glance at him and also noticed his pink cheeks.

"Onii-san, you're a snowboarder, right?" Chinen spoke up again, Reki watching us from behind Chinen.

"I'd like to see...your skating that won against Shadow." His expression darkened just like his voice.
Langa just looked down at him, being lost in thoughts.

"Shadow..." Langa mumbled under his breath. I clenched my teeth while watching their expressions.

"I'll accept the challenge." Langas eyes sparkled while a light blush was on his cheeks.
Oka-san just watched with a shocked expression while Chinen smiled.

"Stop it! Don't get so cocky just because you nailed an ollie!" Reki suddenly yelled at him, stepping forward. I flinched by his loud voice and watched his expression carefully.
"This guy is a Japanese national team hopeful!" Reki pointed his finger at Chinen, me nodding.

"Langa. Don't do it!" I added, looking up at his tall figure.

"I'll do it." Langa added again.
"Oii!" Reki and I stepped forward at the same time, staring at Langa, even though I had to look up a bit.

"Then it's settled." Chinen spoke up again, making me turn around.
"I'll think about..." He started, taking the little fox in his hands.
"...what we should bet on." He smiled...but...

...something is wrong with that smile...is it.....fake?

After his speech, he put the animal back down, walking out while waving at us.
Our muscles relaxed upon.hearing the sound of the door falling back into the lock, meaning that Chinen was gone.

"Langa!" I yelled at him, turning around.
"S! And Chinen! Are you crazy?! I thought you were smart!" I took a step closer once again, looking at his close face.

"Y/N is right. You're crazy!" Reki sighed, face palming and pulling me away from Langa by grabbing my shirt.
For whatever reason....

"Langa...you are..!" I started, angrily pointing my finger at him while my legs were shaking. I had this feeling...is it again...euphoria?...

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