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"Adam....there he is..." I announced.

"He finally appeared, huh..." Reki sweated, his nervousness slowly showing.
I grabbed his hoodie, making him gaze at me.
I nodded at him, reassuring that it's okay...even though it's not.
He got my sign and smiled back at me while my fingers were still holding his hoodie...probably because I'm the nervous one here.

Adam approached the crowd and threw his Cape back dramatically.
With his skateboard swung around his shoulders, he gazed at us...

No wait...he's looking at Langa...isn't he?...

The crowd became louder again as they saw Cherry skating down, yelling his name too.
"And Joe too!!!" They yelled even more as Joe appeared next to Cherry.

"Only Yami is missing!!" Some whined, cheering for the ones present.
"Yeah, right? Yami is missing!"

"Yami?" Reki asked, looking at us. Langa shrugged while Miya was lost in his own world.
I just let go of his hoodie and kept quiet.

"But I get why Yami wouldn't come. What happened to her with Adam...I wouldn't want to see him again." They kept talking rightttt next to us, meaning my friends could hear everything. "The love hug really got her...."

"A girl?! And against Adam?" Reki widened his eyes, turning to Langa and me.
"Why have I never heard of her?!" Reki looked up thoughtfully while I just sweated out of nervousness.

So this is his reaction...

Joe and Cherry made it to Adam and stopped, each on one side.
"Long time no see, Adam." Cherry greeted him.
"We're here to challenge you to a beef." Joe said, making the people start cheering loudly again.
"You already know why." Joe added while we just watched.
"What was that?" Adam turned around, now facing Cherry. "Ohh, righttt. Will you skate together? In that case you'd have..."

"Don't rip me off! Today is about the beef between you and me! Don't push yourself!!" Reki yelled at Adam.

"Me?!" Adam raised his skateboard, pointing it at him.

"You haven't forgotten our bet, am I right?" Reki sweated.

"Of course not. If I win, -" He turned his skateboard, now pointing it at Langa.
"...you will skate against me!" He smirked, turning his board one more time to point it at me.
"Eve....." He mumbled quietly. "Oh, my Eve!" He dramatically put his board over his shoulders while his other hand went on his forehead.
I just stared at him, right through his mask into his eyes.
"I hope I win so that I can have a talk with you. I thought the apple was delicious!" He threw his head back like a mentally ill Hisoka.

"Y/N...what does he mean?" Reki dared to ask while I just stayed quiet.

"All the stars of S are here." Adam started smirking more. "But where is Yami?" He now spoke louder, more people now wondering what he just said.

"Y/N-chan, do you perhaps know why Yami is not here?" He took a step closer, leaning forward until our faces were just inches away.
I still didn't flinch away, his intense aura being too familiar for me to.

"Why would I?" I simply answered, my voice sounding monotone but provocative at the same time.

His smirk just increased while he stood back up.
"I hope she shows herself out of her darkness. I thought I gave her the light. Love. Love!" He talked a bit quieter so that only Joe, Adam, Miya, Shadow, Langa, Reki and I were able to understand him.
My hands started shaking by the thought until someone interrupted him.

"That's enough. If you win you can have a talk. But for now, back off." Joea surprisingly stepped forward, now between Adam and me.

Adam laughed and turned to the starting line, not saying anything else.

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